The Expendables franchise which started with the first film in 2010, featured many veteran superstars of Hollywood sharing screen space in action-packed thrillers. With Sylvester Stallone at the helm of affairs in the directing and writing department, the first 3 films saw a whole host of action stars including Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, Randy Couture, and many others making up the exciting ensemble cast.
After 3 installments, The Expendables 4 is all set to release on the 22nd of September 2023 and will see Stallone reprise his popular role as Barney Ross for the final time. The 4th film will also see Megan Mox, 50 Cent, Andy Garcia, and martial artist Tony Jaa joining the cast. But it seems like not all new members of the ensemble are entirely happy with how they have been positioned in the film.
50 Cent Unhappy With His Role In The Expendables 4?
The Expendables 4 starring Sylvester Stallone and a whole bunch of action superstars, will release worldwide in September. The film will also see many new and popular faces making their appearance including rapper 50 Cent and Transformers star Megan Fox. In the lead-up to the film’s release, character posters of the various stars were seen on social media as part of the promotions. But it seems like 50 Cent isn’t too happy with the way his character has been portrayed in the poster. The In Da Club singer said,
“WTF did we run out of money? Why my head look like it ain’t connected to my body? I bet they are gonna make @officialslystallone look great.”
From 50 Cent’s reaction, it seems that the film looks to be concentrating more on Sylvester Stallone’s swansong for the franchise. It now remains to be seen if the rapper’s words hold true and if he will have a significant part in the film.
Sylvester Stallone To Pass On The Mantle To Jason Statham
From directing, writing, and starring in The Expendables franchise from 2010, Sylvester Stallone has been instrumental in creating an exciting franchise featuring many of Hollywood’s biggest action stars. The Rambo actor is now ready to hang up his boots after the release of The Expendables 4 and move on to other projects. Speaking of his final appearance and the passing of responsibility to his action colleague Jason Statham for future films, Stallone said,
“It’s time to be moving on. This will be my last day, so I’m enjoying it, but it’s always bittersweet, you know, when something you’ve been so attached to, I guess it’s been about 12 years. I’m ready to pass the baton on to Jason and his capable hands.”
The Rocky star also added that he was looking forward to new challenges and was happy to inform audiences that Jason Statham’s role in the 4th installment was a significant one that warranted The Transporter star’s promotion as the spearhead of The Expendables franchise.
Source: Instagram