At the 89th Academy Awards in 2017, beloved Batman star Adam West made headlines for his lighthearted pre-show banter with young Stranger Things actor Caleb McLaughlin. West’s pretend threat to steal Viola Davis’s Oscar offered a charming comedic interlude and reminded fans of his talent for humor.
During an interview on the Oscars red carpet, Adam West joked with Caleb McLaughlin about dashing onstage to swipe Viola Davis’s Best Supporting Actress trophy if she won for Fences. The silly stunt never happened, but West’s mock scheming let the veteran star showcase his comedic gifts one more time for delighted fans.
Adam West Jokes About Rushing the Oscars Stage
While chatting with 14-year-old Caleb McLaughlin, West acknowledged McLaughlin’s mother, April McLaughlin co-starred with Viola Davis in Fences. “I know Viola Davis is nominated for Best Supporting Actress,” West said. “And I know your mom’s in that movie too.”
After Caleb McLaughlin excitedly confirmed his mother was in Fences, Adam West pretended to plot a daring Oscar heist. “So if Viola wins, I’m gonna run up there, grab it from her, steal the Oscar!” West exclaimed, throwing mock punches. McLaughlin laughed and warned, “That would be so wrong!”
Adam West Offers Congratulations to Viola Davis
After his brief comedic bit, West sincerely congratulated Viola Davis and the Fences cast. “Anyway, I hope she wins because that’s a wonderful film,” West said graciously. He made it clear the veteran actor genuinely wanted Viola Davis to succeed
Later that night, Davis won the Best Supporting Actress award. When she took the stage, West stayed in his seat, keeping his promise not to interrupt. The late starlet Davis has her moment, showing his deep respect for his fellow actor.
Read more: Michael Keaton Goes Viral for Breaking Batman Legend Adam West’s Record in $220M ‘The Flash’
The Comedic Batman Star Entertains but Doesn’t Disrupt
While the iconic Caped Crusader joked about causing drama, he remained seated when Davis accepted her Oscar. West stayed true to his word not to steal Davis’s treasured statue or disrupt her time in the spotlight.
Adam West’s lighthearted pre-Oscars banter with Caleb McLaughlin offered fans a delightful glimpse of the late star’s enduring wit and humor. Though he pretended to hatch an onstage theft, West ultimately showed enormous respect for Viola Davis’s special night. The exchange was a charming reminder of West’s talent for joyful comedy.
Source: youtube