The MCU began its mammoth journey with 2008’s Iron Man, which laid the foundation for many of Marvel’s historic superheroes and narratives to intertwine. Divided into a staggering 6-phase format, the franchise’s 5th phase began in February 2023 with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Over 15 years and multiple blockbusters, the MCU has carved an iconic niche for itself while also bringing together many superstars.
One of Hollywood’s talented stars who became a cult figure in the MCU without even appearing once on screen was Bradley Cooper. The Oscar nominee became a sensation for voicing the sharp-tongued raccoon Rocket who is one of the key characters in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise while also appearing in the Avengers films. The actor though, has not had an easy road to stardom after having gone through his share of challenges that almost destroyed him.
Bradley Cooper Overcame Addiction To Become A Huge MCU Star
According to statistical reports, Hollywood star Bradley Cooper has earned a massive amount from the MCU for his role as Rocket Raccoon in the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers films. Cooper, who has made a total of 7 appearances In the MCU, is reported to have received around $20 to $30 million for voicing the famous character. While the franchise and Hollywood have given him his well-deserved superstardom, the celebrity almost did not reach this point in his life due to suffering from serious alcohol addiction in his younger days. Speaking of his wild years, Cooper said,
“In terms of alcohol and drugs, yeah, but nothing to do with fame. But I was lucky. I got sober at 29 years old, and I’ve been sober for 19 years.”
The actor was also very grateful for his life at present and for the roles, he has been offered to date including his very lucrative MCU gig. He hoped that he will be able to do justice to all opportunities that came his way.
The MCU Will Have Exciting Crossovers in Thunderbolts
It’s an exciting time for Marvel and the MCU with Phase 5 in progress. While some of the films may not have hit a high, Phase 6 of the franchise promises to have some iconic collaborations. One of the exciting features is reportedly the crossovers that will happen in 2024 in the film Thunderbolts which will allegedly bring together characters from Black Widow, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and the Captain America and Ant-Man franchises. Director Jack Schreier expressed his excitement and said,
“Obviously I can say so little, but I think it’s about characters and is there something specific to those characters that bring them together and something that they’re going through that isn’t the most traditional superhero story to be told?
Thunderbolts‘ cast will include the likes of Sebastian Stan, Florence Pugh, David Harbor, and more familiar faces, along with the MCU debut of The Walking Dead‘s Steven Yeun, seemingly as the superhero Sentry.
Source: Page Six