The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is fourteen years old now. It has launched many characters from Marvel Comics to the big screen, with great success. The franchise has taken mammoth proportions and looks to grow even further. Naturally, then, there is great speculation and discussion among fans as to which characters from Marvel Comics should join the MCU next.
Currently, The MCU is in its fourth phase and speculation is rife with regard to the plans and characters to be launched in the fifth phase. Which Avengers members should be inducted into the MCU, which of them hold the best promise, all of this is anybody’s guess. With no leaks and news as yet, we can only speculate. We take a look at 6 avengers who deserve to join the MCU according to fans.
1. Firestar
Although it seems that Marvel is setting up an independent lineup of the Younger Avengers, there have been calls for including some lesser-known teenage mutants to be included in the MCU. Chief among which is Firestar. Firestar is somewhat of an oddity, as she made her first appearance in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends animated series, rather than in the comics. She later went on to make an independent name for herself as an Avenger, part of the X-Men in the comic books.
Unfortunately, her character has been relatively dormant in the past few years, but, including her in the MCU would resurrect her and would be a treat for fans.
2. Hercules
Marvel has a long and successful history of adopting ancient Greek and Roman Gods into its universe. In this light, there have been calls for bringing the Greek God Hercules into the MCU. Even though there has been no official announcement as yet regarding Hercules’s induction into the MCU, this character is likely to make his debut in Thor: Love and Thunder. This is as his father, Zeus, has already been confirmed to be in that film. Hercules is one of the most prominent and popular Greek gods, his induction into the MCU would definitely be a welcome addition to the franchise.
3. Voyager
Unlike other characters in this list, Voyager is a relatively new character introduced in the comics. This would allow for a breath of fresh air into the franchise so far as new characters are concerned.
She made her debut 4 years ago in 2018. The character is the daughter of the universe Elder the Grandmaster and was later inducted into the avengers. Considering that Jeff Goldblum is playing her father, Universe Elder The Grandmaster, fans expect the debut of his daughter in the MCU as well.
4. Moondragon
As far as characters in this last go, Moondragon is one of the oldest to appear in the comic books. Debuting in the 1970s. She is a rather obscure character, which nevertheless is quite fascinating and intriguing. Also known as Heather Douglas, she is a telepathic heroine. She moved around various superhero teams throughout the years, including the infinity watch and the avengers. Her induction into the MCU would be a fit and natural one which holds a lot of promise.
5. Wonder Man
Unlike other Avengers in this list, Wonderman has already graced the MCU. Hidden as an Easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, he is an interesting one. Affiliated with both, the West Coast Avengers and the Avengers’ team in his history, he is one of the most deserving characters to be inducted into the MCU.
6. Tigra
As far as characters in this list are concerned, this one is obscure and unconventional. Yet Marvel has a history of taking obscure, unconventional heroes and making them fan favorites. Tigra is a humanoid cat person who has amazing agility and fierce fighting ability. Further, she may be on the cusp of being introduced To the MCU in the near future. Tigra is unique and as a character would hold much appeal among fans. Who knows, she could replicate the success of Wonder Woman and might just be the next big thing!