After the first two installments of Deadpool created an uproar, fans are overly excited for the third R-rated sequel Deadpool 3. However, there’s one question that has been bugging the audience regarding the family-friendly subject matter. Considering the fact that Disney has been constantly interfering with Daredevil: Born Again and trying to tone it down, fans are expressing concerns regarding Deadpool 3.
Amid such tumultuous times, Deadpool actor Karan Soni, who plays Dopinder in the franchise, relieved fans by sharing an update on the upcoming Marvel movie. Mentioning the film crew’s decision regarding the family-friendly subject of the movie, Soni confirmed maintaining a similar tone to that of its predecessors.
Karan Soni Shared Deadpool 3 Updates
Following the massive success of the first two Deadpool movies, Disney in association with MCU, immediately picked up the pace for the third installment. Coming up with Deadpool 3 featuring Ryan Reynolds as the sassy mutant fighting off villains in his skin-tight suit, the movie is said to lean into its R-rated subject matter.
However, following Disney’s constant interference with Daredevil: Born Again, trying to tone it down to make it family-friendly, fans are concerned about the entertaining element of Deadpool 3. That’s when Karan Soni, who played the role of Dopinder in the prequels, shared major updates with fans.
Discussing exclusively with ComicBook, the actor shared his experience from the set of Deadpool 3. “I have begun working on that one, so I can say that it is the same as the other two” Soni shared. Relieving the audience about maintaining the same tone as its predecessors, the actor confirmed that Disney won’t be imposing any restrictions on Ryan Reynolds’ upcoming movie.
Deadpool 3 Shall Maintain Its R-rating
Getting further into details, Karan Soni shared how Disney’s restrictions often limit the creativity of certain projects. Thus, refraining from the company’s interference, Soni confirmed Deadpool 3 would maintain the R-rated scenes. “It’s like hard R. There’s a lot of that stuff. So it does not feel different,” the actor confirmed.
“The only thing that, for me, is different is that I have not gotten the script this time. The other two, we did get it, it’s a big difference, at least for me, the MCU part of it vs. the Fox/Marvel part of it. They’re so strict.”
Sharing his experience from the set of the upcoming MCU movie, Karan Soni reflected upon the key component of maintaining a separate brand that allows them to release R-rated stuff. Thus, confirming that the franchise would be continuing its R-rated trend, the actor clarified that the movie has implemented mature tones for certain areas.
Discussing the violence and passion in certain scenes, Karan Soni believes the movie is automatically supposed to go under R-rated subject. Recalling the ruthless fights and the explicit humor, Soni feels Deadpool 3 is quite effectively following the footsteps of its predecessors.
Deadpool 3 is scheduled to hit the theatres on 3rd May 2024.
Source: ComicBook