The never-ending tales and trials of Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp reached a conclusion when Johnny Depp was declared the victor. However, reportedly there were several documents that were not allowed to open in court due to Johnny Depp’s legal team advocating that the documents were made to be primarily aimed at the actor. After the trial, the documents were demanded to be opened which changed the course of the trial.

Famous actors retract their likes on Johnny Depp’s post
After winning the infamous defamation case against ex-wife Amber Heard, the Fantastic Beasts actor shared a post on Instagram about the hardships he faced and how his life changed before and after the trial.

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Click here to view the Instagram post
The post gathered a whopping 19.3 million likes (as of now) and 1 million comments. When the post was originally shared, it had the likes and appreciation of notable celebrities in the Hollywood industry such as Robert Downey Jr., Sophie Turner, Joey King, Orlando Bloom, and Bella Hadid. However, since the release of these documents the likes of these well-known personalities have been removed. It seems nobody wants to end up on the wrong side and would prefer to remain neutral on the matter before a verdict is passed for the finale of the case. So what was in these documents that made the actors change their minds and got Johnny Depp in trouble once again?
Here’s what the documents revealed further: ‘Fate Has a Cruel Sense of Humor’: Johnny Depp Fans Unearthing Sealed Documents Reveal Disgusting S*x Chats With Minors With Marilyn Manson, Amber Heard Stans Convinced He’s Going Down
Was Amber Heard telling the truth all along?
The notorious documents that once again brought a closed chapter of the trial brought both the actors into the spotlight once again. The documents claim that in a drunken state, Johnny Depp allegedly kicked Amber Heard during their flight which the former actor seems to have forgotten after sobering up. This is one of the many incidents that have appeared on the documents with several testimonies from various people.
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However, there have been various claims that the document is made purely of hearsay, and therefore, the people have once again rallied behind Johnny Depp for the actor’s justice while some people have left the battleground to stay neutral and watch it unfold.
Source: Daily Dot