There has been continuous drama surrounding The Idol which features an ensemble cast with Lily-Rose Depp and Abel “The Weeknd” Tesfaye leading the show. While the show was already garnering negative attention when critics gave their judgment, it is going through extreme public scrutiny due to its raunchy explicit scenes with poor writing and bad acting skills adding much to its credit.
With the show creators, Sam Levinson and Tesfaye sharing the equal burden for their over-the-top vision, Depp came forward to defend the frequent nudity shown in the series.
Lily-Rose Depp Defends The Content Being Explored in The Idol
Expressing her views on being comfortable with the extremely explicit content, she told Vogue Australia,
“For me, the whole character and the show and her arc was really a collaboration through and through. We know that we’re making something provocative and we are not shying away from that. That’s something I knew I was setting out to do from the beginning. I was never interested in making something puritanical. It’s okay if this show isn’t for everyone and that’s fine – I think all the best art is [polarising].”
She further continued to share that she felt “respected and more safe” on the set of the HBO show which she believes is the result of the trust “we all built with each other.” While she loved the environment she worked in, show creator, Sam Levinson is getting quite a heat for his creative approach.
Euphoria’s Creator, Sam Levinson Facing Massive Backlash for The Idol
Levinson has been criticized for his approach in Zendaya’s Euphoria however, many complained that the raunchy scenes in Depp’s The Idol are way over the top. Many outlets reported it to be distressing due to its content with Rolling Stone reporting it as “a r*pe fantasy” in its article.
The director has been called out for adding extremely nude scenes in his work which could have been avoided. Objectifying the female characters is one of the other concerns many pointed which was quite visible in his new work. However, the young model shared,
While the show is being under criticism for its creative vision, the show continues to run with the next episode releasing on 2nd July 2023 on HBO Max.
Source: Vogue