Robert Downey Jr. played the iconic character of Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). His portrayal of the eccentric billionaire and genius inventor who creates a highly-sophisticated suit of armor also showed Stark’s struggles, such as his fear of losing his loved ones.
Overall, Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Tony Stark in the MCU is a fan favorite and a critical success, helping to establish the popularity and success of the franchise. And it seems impossible to imagine someone else taking up the mantle. With the concept of a multiverse thrown into the mix, we could see another actor taking up the role.
AI Names Actors Who Can Be The Next Iron Man
While we still don’t know who Marvel will replace Robert Downey Jr. as the next Iron Man, we thought exploring AI’s recommendation for the ideal candidate for the role would be entertaining.
To ensure a diverse pool of options, we enlisted the aid of ChatGPT’s AI technology to generate a list of five potential actors to succeed Downey Jr. without any specifications or limitations. So, which actors did AI deem suitable to play the iconic superhero? Check out the following list of AI-recommended candidates:
Tom Hardy – He has proven his acting skills in various movies and has also portrayed the character of a superhero in Venom. His charisma and acting range makes him a strong candidate for Iron Man’s role.
John Krasinski – Krasinski has proven himself as a leading man in action films with his role in Jack Ryan. He has the looks and acting chops to make a convincing Iron Man.
Rami Malek – He won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in Bohemian Rhapsody, and his performance as a villain in No Time to Die proves that he can handle complex roles. He would bring a different energy to the character of Iron Man but could still make it work.
Anthony Mackie – He is already a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having played the role of Falcon in various films. As the new Captain America, he has proven his ability to lead a superhero franchise, making him a strong candidate to take on the role of Iron Man.
Oscar Isaac – Isaac has shown his range in various films, including Ex Machina and Dune. He has the looks and acting ability to take on the role of Iron Man and make it his own.
How Can Iron Man Return To The MCU
Robert Downey Jr’s character met a heroic end in Avengers: Endgame by sacrificing his life to save humanity. While his death was a poignant and emotional moment, many fans have wondered if there is a way for the character to return to the MCU in some form. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has recently introduced the concept of the multiverse, a parallel dimension where different versions of characters exist.
With this new narrative tool, it’s possible that Iron Man could return in a unique and exciting way. The MCU could introduce a variant version of Tony Stark from a different universe. This Iron Man could have a different backstory, personality, or motivations than we know, allowing for fresh and unexpected storytelling possibilities.
Besides, one of the core themes of the MCU is time travel, and it’s possible that this could be used to bring Iron Man back. Perhaps the Avengers could travel back in time to a point before Tony Stark’s death and prevent it from happening. Alternatively, they could encounter a version of Tony from another timeline or universe.
If the MCU chooses to pay homage to the character, it could feature Iron Man in flashback sequences or prequel films. Plenty of untold stories from Tony Stark’s past could be explored, and these could provide new insights into the character.
All Iron Man films starring Robert Downey Jr. are available for streaming on Disney+.