In 2002, Disney’s animated film Lilo and Stitch was released and quickly became one of the most loved animated features. The film that follows a lonely Hawaiian girl and her encounter with a genetically altered extraterrestrial was seen as a narrative ahead of its time. The film is all set to get a live-action reboot in 2023. While Chris Sanders is once again set to voice the role of Stitch, the film hit a roadblock when it cast actor Kahiau Machado for the character of David.
Hardly 4 days after he was roped in, Kahiau Machado was ousted from essaying the role of David in the live-action film Lilo and Stich, and the reasons for it is being hailed as a bold and sensible move.
Kahiau Machado’s Racist Leanings Lost Him An Opportunity In Lilo And Stitch
In a development that will undoubtedly be taken as a victory, Disney has officially replaced Kahiau Machado as David in the live-action Lilo & Stitch remake due to disturbing trends in his social media history. The actor, despite being of Hawaiian descent, was removed from playing the character as he was found to be a promoter of racism. Machado, who was yet to be officially announced as the contender to play David, faced backlash on social media for his openly racist slurs when he had previously used the word “n***a” online.
The two specific instances that created a stir include his use of the title ‘n****a noise’ for a Spotify playlist and referring to his friend by the name “Kapono ‘Sandy N****a’ Lizama”. This was all Disney needed to ban Machado from playing the role of David while also previously criticizing him for being too light-skinned in physicality to portray the character. Machado has been replaced by actor Kaipot Dudoit.
Lilo And Stitch Will Feature Two Original Actors
Disney’s live-action remake of Lilo and Stitch is all set to release in 2023 and the film has already gained publicity for its ousting of actor Kahiau Machado owing to his history of racial comments. But the animated series will see two characters from the original who will feature in the live-action film. Chris Sanders, the voice of Stitch who wrote and directed the original feature alongside Dean DeBlois, is reportedly set to reprise his role as the genetically engineered alien.
Tia Carrere, who originally voiced Nani in the first film will now play the newly created Mrs. Kekoa, while Nani will be essayed by Sydney Elizabeth Agudong. Lilo meanwhile will be played by newcomer Maia Kealoha. Dean Fleischer Camp, the filmmaker behind the Oscar-nominated Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, is helming the remake that is intended to be a major release on Disney+. Production for the film is officially underway in Hawaii.
Source: Bounding Into Comics