72 hours before the statute of limitations comes into effect, Julia Holcomb takes legal action against a John Doe, presumed to be the Aerosmith frontman, Steven Tyler, of sexually assaulting her when she was a minor. The accusation has shed new light on previous speculations about Tyler’s involvement with a supposed “teen child bride” which he had mentioned nearly taking during his mid to late 20s in his memoir, Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?
The Rock ‘n’ Roll singer/rockstar has recently been away from the crowd due to health scares and rehab, but following the lawsuit that has now been filed against him, the 74-year-old may yet find thrust under the floodlight of public scrutiny and media attention.
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Steven Tyler Accused in Sexual Assault Lawsuit By Woman
A woman who is currently moving forward with a sexual assault suit against an unnamed perpetrator has stated that she was the victim of sexual assault, sexual battery, and the intentional infliction of emotional distress. The Rolling Stone report also states that the plaintiff, Julia Holcomb, has also mentioned being engaged in a relationship with John Doe during the mid-70s. The lawsuit, however, holds water because of Holcomb’s otherwise publicly outspoken allegations levied against the Aerosmith frontman, Steven Tyler.
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Julia Holcomb, although leaving the lawsuit dotted with John Does, has publicly accused Tyler of engaging in a sexual relationship with her for nearly 3 years. The chronology of events places Tyler at 25 years of age, while Holcomb was merely 16 at the time. The current lawsuit that she has filed consequently falls under the California Child Victims Act after the California legislation temporarily waived the statutes of limitation for allegations related to the sexual abuse of a minor.
Steven Tyler’s Lawsuit Inducing Romance: 1970s to Present
At the height of Aerosmith’s fame, it is difficult to imagine the American atmosphere not being taken up by the craze and frenzy that comes with being a rock ‘n’ roll fan. The ’70s were ruled by the genre and as such, it becomes difficult to imagine but comprehensible all the same when Steven Tyler in his memoir states that the parents of an unnamed girl “fell in love with me, signed a paper over for me to have custody, so I wouldn’t get arrested if I took her out of state. I took her on tour with me.”
The timeline that Julia Holcomb states in her lawsuit directly aligns with Tyler’s inadvertent, written, and published confession. In her statements, Holcomb has indulged in details about the rockstar plying her with drugs and alcohol and later taking her on tour with him. According to her outspoken allegations, she was pregnant at 17 with Steven Tyler’s child which she was convinced by the singer to abort.
Currently, Steven Tyler, 74, is only one of several unnamed men mentioned in the Julia Holcomb lawsuit.
Source: Rolling Stone