“He had plenty of time”: Robert Pattinson Slammed by Fitness Experts for Not Getting in Shape for $771M Movie Despite Hefty Payday

"He had plenty of time": Robert Pattinson Slammed by Fitness Experts for Not Getting in Shape for $771M Movie Despite Hefty Payday

Robert Pattinson is an incredibly well-recognized actor, having an extremely diverse acting portfolio. From being part of the culturally significant franchise, Twilight, to completely changing his image in the industry from the ‘vampire movie guy’ to a genuinely talented and skilled actor, starring in movies like The Lighthouse, The Devil All the Time, and now being part of the incredibly successful, Batman, a role for which he earned $3 million.

Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson in The Batman

When Pattinson was announced to play Batman in the new film, many questioned the choice of actor, as well as his capabilities to play a character as complex and challenging as Bruce Wayne. He, however, proved all of these doubters wrong and his performance in the film was truly astounding. What people were still upset with, despite the success of this movie, was Pattinson’s physical transformation, or the lack thereof, to be precise.

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Robert Pattinson Has A Difficult Relationship With His Body

Robert Pattinson has revealed that after getting famous so quickly for his role in Twilight, he struggled quite a lot with his body image and comparing his physique with others. He added that this struggle with body dysmorphia is not helped by the fact that he has tried all kinds of fad diets and workout plans, none of which have worked for him. The actor has also mentioned that he is not a big fan of working out in the gym.

Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson in The Batman

“I think if you’re working out all the time, you’re part of the problem,” he said. “You set a precedent. No one was doing this in the ’70s. Even James Dean — he wasn’t exactly ripped.”

These were the reasons why Pattinson only did cardio, bodyweight exercises, weightlifting, and boxing workouts to get in shape for the role, which is very different from the workout plans of his predecessor for the role of Batman, all of whom had very challenging and draining workout regimens to get in shape for the role. This fact made people who are active in the fitness industry, quite upset.

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Robert Pattinson Got Backlash For Not Getting In The Right Shape For Batman

Robert Pattinson chose a much more lean and slender look for his version of Batman. This did not come without backlash, as fans believe that the actor should have put in a lot more effort for the role. Bringing up the example of Christian Bale, who played Batman in the Dark Knight trilogy, put on 43 pounds while bulking up for the role. They even brought up Ben Affleck, who also went above and beyond in the gym for this role.

Robert Pattinson as Batman

“You don’t have to take them he had plenty of time to build a big physique,” said a fan

Some, in support of Pattinson, mentioned that there is a chance that the Twilight actor did not want to take performance-enhancing drugs to help him achieve that ‘ideal’ physique for the movie. To this, however, another fan replied, saying that he did not need to use means like this as he had more than enough time to get in the shape that the audiences so desperately wanted.

Also Read: “I eat like out of a trash can”: Robert Pattinson Revealed Living Quite Down-to-Earth Life Which Helped Him in $771M The Batman

Source: Variety


Written by Ananya Godboley

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects.