Is Scorn Finally Coming to PlayStation?

Survival horror title Scorn, has been a Microsoft Xbox exclusive since October of last year. However, Serbian based developer Ebb Software may have discretely announced the game will be coming to PlayStation consoles in the future. The source of this information comes from the developer’s Scorn Twitter account @scorn_game, in the form of encoded messages. One such message posted on June 27th reads: “I am a variable, mysterious, and unknown, I leave my mark, a treasure shown. The 24th of my kind, my power multiplies, a target, a letter of only two lines.

Fans were quick to work on deciphering the answer to this code, claiming “X” (also called cross) was the proper response. The Scorn developers had previously provided another coded message on June 25, which reads as follows: “In shadows cast and darkness deep, A shape emerges from secrets to keep. Three edges meet, they intertwine, Within their grasp, sorrow does entwine.”

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The response by fans to this tweet appeared to be unanimous that the answer to the riddle was “triangle.” Given the consecutive and mysterious nature of these messages, it very much appears to be a sign Scorn is hinting at a Sony PlayStation release. The Scorn developer has even tweeted a video recently which gamers are claiming contains morse code spelling out “circle.” If you are unfamiliar the system, “circle,” “square,” “triangle” and “X” are the four primary buttons on the PlayStation controller. As far as a hint to the final symbol, “square,” it appears fans are still waiting for one last dot to connect before drawing conclusions.

What Does This Information Mean for Console Exclusivity and How Could PlayStation Get Access to an Xbox Title, be it Scorn or Another?

Scorn developer Ebb Software may have revealed the title is coming to PlayStation
Scorn developer Ebb Software may have revealed the title is coming to PlayStation

If you have kept up with recent gaming news, then you may be wondering how an Xbox exclusive title could possibly come to PlayStation. As with any gamer who owns “the other console,” fans are always asking for some semblance of hope that an exciting new title will eventually cross platform lines. If you’re a Sony fan, then you probably hope for Starfield, High on Life, and Halo to lose their exclusivity and join up with PlayStation. And if you’re a Microsoft fan, you might be dying for Xbox versions of titles like Marvel’s Spider-Man, The Last of Us, and God of War. Nevertheless, while these specific titles may never make the jump, not every game is locked into such tight restraints.

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Some games do eventually make their way to other consoles and this is due in large part to timed exclusivity contracts. There have been several instances in the gaming industry when a developer has promised to keep their product exclusive to one console, but only for a specified amount of time. Mass Effect, BioShock, Dead Rising, and Yakuza are among such titles that originally released on one console, only to inevitably land in the arms of another.

It appears the developers behind Scorn may have signed such an exclusivity contract, and a very short one, if so. PlayStation fans who were excited over the hype of Scorn may now have a chance to play it before the game becomes several years old. As the “console wars” rage on, exclusive titles are great for platforms like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but can be limiting for developers who want to maximize product sales. As a desire for competition is ever increasing in the gaming world, the question as to whether timed exclusivity deals will remain popular seems to be top of mind.

Source: Twitter

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Written by Ezekiel Hall

Ezekiel is an avid gamer, film enthusiast, and has a love for all things technology. When he has free time you are most likely to find him playing something on PlayStation or binge watching a new show. He is a fan of all things DC, Marvel, and Star Wars.