Jeremy Renner has been consistently pulling off miracles for the past decade and a half, on-screen and off. Starting his rise with the MCU, the bow-and-arrow-wielding Avenger quickly proved his mettle by keeping pace with gods and monsters alike. And now, the actor stuns the fandom yet again by demonstrating his incredible journey of progress after the horrific snow plow accident on New Year’s Day.

Jeremy Renner Comments On His New Year’s Accident
Not many people can claim to have survived a 14,000-pound snow plow running them over, but Jeremy Renner is not just anyone else. The Endgame actor is just as infamously active in the progression of his Hollywood career as he is notoriously private about his personal and familial life.
However, the extent of his inclusive bond only recently became public after Renner’s nephew shared a heartfelt message for his uncle since the Son-Cat accident went viral on the internet. The collision occurred when the Sno-Cat, having malfunctioned, started rolling down the road and Renner jumped in to save the boy from being crushed.
Instead, the vehicle ran over the actor leaving him with blunt chest trauma, a punctured lung, more than 30 broken bones, and a current lack of full functionality over his entire lower body. And yet, when the actor recalls the nightmarish accident, he claims without hesitation, “I’d do it again. I’d do it again because it’s going right at my nephew.”
Jeremy Renner Sits For His First Interview Since Accident
It has been 3 months since the life-threatening accident that almost killed Jeremy Renner. But the actor is up and at it again with a renewed will, vigor, and fervor. In an interview with Diane Sawyer, he opened up about the experience he endured and tears up when he recalls how the first conscious words he had said to his family after the brutal accident was “I am sorry” in ASL.
In his powerful journey from the maws of death to being able to walk again, Renner bares it all in this experience that truly redefines the words: Whatever it takes. He further claimed:
“[I felt] all of [the pain]. I was awake through every moment […] I chose to survive, it’s not going to kill me, no way. I’ve lost a lot of flesh and bone in this experience, but I’ve been refueled and refilled with love and titanium.”

Earlier last month, fellow MCU star Evangeline Lilly who had visited Jeremy Renner to check up on the actor claimed, “He’s made of something really tough, that guy.” He had begun his journey of rehabilitation and physical therapy within two months of being out of the hospital. Recently, the fans were awed into silence after Renner posted a video of himself walking on an antigravity treadmill as he gets back on the road to complete recovery.
The Diane Sawyer interview premieres on April 6, 2023, via ABC News.
Source: The Diane Sawyer Interview