8 Adaptations That Poorly Executed A Scene From The Book

Nowadays, many movies and TV shows are being adapted from novels. It is a difficult task to bring fictional characters and scenes to life. But the makers manage to do so beautifully with the help of their team. And, of course, the brilliantly talented actors! However, there are times when they fail to execute a few scenes from the book(s) they’ve adapted the storyline from. They end up executing a few scenes so poorly that they might make you cringe. So, here’s a list of TV/Movie adaptations that poorly executed a scene from the book in a cringy way. Check it out! Sure, these adaptations were too good. But there’s always this ‘one’ scene that’s just not right! Also, you can mention in the comments the one scene from any movie/TV adaptation that made you cringe so bad.

1. Edward Sparkling In The Sun

Robert Pattinson as Edward shining bright under the sun
Robert Pattinson as Edward shining bright under the sun

A scene in the Twilight shows Edward played by Robert Pattinson stepping into the sun. As soon as he does, he’s shining and sparkling oddly. As if he has white body glitter on him! The appearance looks extremely funny.

2. Voldemort’s Death Scene

Voldemort's death
Voldemort’s death

In the books, Voldemort is shown like us: A human. And, he dies a human death. However, in the last Harry Potter movie, they show his death most dramatically!

3. The Last Maze Runner Movie, Brenda Should’ve Been The Endgame, NOT TERESA!

Thomas and Teresa In Maze Runner
Thomas and Teresa In Maze Runner

The adaptation turned the meaning of the book. In the book, Brenda and Thomas were a thing. But in the adaptation, they show Teresa as a hero and the kiss. Oh My God! It wasn’t even in the book and completely unnecessary. Moreover, the adaptation made Brenda a supporting character instead of Teresa.

4. The Ride On A Zip-Line In Divergent


In the book, they show the zip-line doesn’t have brakes. Most of them die due to it. But in the adaptation, we can see the zip-line having brakes! Completely changing the scene from the book.

5. Home- Nothing Like The Book It Was Adapted From!


The complete adaptation was different from the book ‘The True Meaning Of Smekday‘. The book was amazing, but the movie was not.

6. Eragon Movie Missing Out On Important Points From The Book


In the adaptation, they show Saphira flying into the sky and coming back as a grown-up. Also, they completely ignore the relationship building between her and Eragon.

7. The Execution Of The Scene Where Lyra Finds Billy In His Dark Materials Wasn’t Portrayed Well

His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

This particular scene in the book was written so well that it almost made readers cry. However, the adaptation skimmed the scene!

8. Harry And Ginny’s First Kiss. I Guess You Too Were Sure This Scene Was Going To Make It To This List. Lol.

Harry and Ginny's first awkward kiss
Harry and Ginny’s first awkward kiss

The readers would know how fantastically this scene was written in the books and how awfully it was executed in the movie! The chemistry between the two was DEAD.
