7 Light Hearted Movies Where Things Took A Surprisingly Dark Final Turn

Some movies are set out to be light hearted movies, but they take a dark turn somewhere along the way that sometimes leaves the viewers with a bad taste in their mouths. Sometimes we as viewers believe something to be light hearted from the get-go, but as a caution, you should always prepare for the worst. Now, we shall see some of the movies that perfectly personified what we just talked about!


1. Indian Jones and The Temple Of Doom: This series has always thrived on thrills and terror but was also light hearted. But the core of the Indiana Jones series has always been to recreate the feeling of the old adventure serials. But the Temple Of Doom seriously compromised the fun. The Temple of Doom has scenes of child enslavement and human sacrifices. Even Steven Spielberg and Lucas have voiced their regret for this movie’s dark and morbid storyline.

1. Indian Jones and The Temple Of Doom: This series has always thrived on thrills and terror but was also light hearted. But the core of the Indiana Jones series has always been to recreate the feeling of the old adventure serials. But the Temple Of Doom seriously compromised the fun. The Temple of Doom has scenes of child enslavement and human sacrifices. Even Steven Spielberg and Lucas have voiced their regret for this movie's dark and morbid storyline.
If even the creators are disappointed, there’s no hope for the viewers

2. The Hunchback Of Notre Dame: It is an improbable approach for a Disney movie. Judge Claude Is the nastiest Disney villain, fueled by lust. The Hunchback’s music is also darker than other Disney movies. It does have some comic moments though. The ending has also been rewritten, but it is hard to thoroughly clean up such a dark story.

2. The Hunchback Of Notre Dame: It is an improbable approach for a Disney movie. Judge Claude Is the nastiest Disney villain, fueled by lust. The Hunchback's music is also darker than other Disney movies. It does have some comic moments though. The ending has also been rewritten, but it is hard to clean up such a dark story thoroughly.
Disney surprised us

3. Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith: Despite a poor foundation, the movie is brilliant in giving a dramatic end to the prequel trilogy. The storyline is about the end of the age of heroes, the fall of a good man to evil, and the turn of a democracy into a dictatorship. A dark turn of events indeed! With Darth Vader murdering school children, almost on screen, It certainly is a dark movie.

3. Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith: Despite a poor foundation, the movie is brilliant in giving a dramatic end to the prequel trilogy. The storyline is about the end of the age of heroes, the fall of a good man to evil, and the turn of a democracy into a dictatorship. A dark turn of events indeed! With Darth Vader murdering school children, almost on screen, It certainly is a dark movie.
Obi-Wan had the higher ground but we felt low

4. Toy Story 3: This is a light hearted animation series for children. Each Toy Story movie looks into a series of existential crises that arise for the toys. But Toy Story 3 is the darkest one amongst them. The toy owner grows up and has no use for the toys. So they are thrown into an incinerator. Eventually, they are saved, but this light hearted movie is not without its darkness.

4. Toy Story 3: This is a light hearted animation series for children. Each Toy Story movie looks into a series of existential crises that arise for the toys. But Toy Story 3 is the darkest one amongst them. The toy owner grows up and has no use for the toys. So they are thrown into an incinerator. Eventually, they are saved, but this light hearted movie is not without its darkness.
It was like watching your childhood almost burn

5. Kung Fu Panda-2: A movie with this title should be light hearted and not tragic. But this one is. This movie keeps up the goofiness in the storyline and adds some dark moments to the storyline. It explains the genocide of Po’s people by Lord Shen, a ruthless villain.

5. Kung Fu Panda-2: A movie with this title should be light hearted and not tragic. But this one is. This movie keeps up the goofiness in the storyline and adds some dark moments to the storyline. It explains the genocide of Po's people by Lord Shen, a ruthless villain.
A movie about a fighting Panda shouldn’t be dark

6. The Amazing Spider-Man: This movie from a usually light hearted series made being dark and gritty the in-thing. It went the route of “Batman Begins” instead of the typically light-hearted Spidey movies.

6. The Amazing Spider-Man: This movie from a usually light hearted series made being dark and gritty the in-thing. It went the route of "Batman Begins" instead of the typically light-hearted Spidey movies.
Nobody expected this ending

7. Fantastic Four: The Fantastic Four by Tim Story had some poor casting and attraction of a sitcom. It set the bar exceedingly low. The reboot by Josh Trank had the fans excited to see how it would improve what the original duology did. But unfortunately, it failed. The attempt at introducing a dark tone made it worse, incredibly dull.

7. Fantastic Four: The Fantastic Four by Tim Story had some poor casting and attraction of a sitcom. It set the bar exceedingly low. The reboot by Josh Trank had the fans excited to see how it would hold up against the original. But unfortunately, it failed. The attempt at introducing a dark tone made it worse, incredibly dull.
Its darker turn didn’t work in its favor





Written by FandomWire Staff

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