10 Times Marvel Heroes Absolutely Wrecked Kang The Conqueror

Kang the Conqueror has fought many Marvel heroes over a while. Kang the Conqueror is an iconic character. Over a while, Kang has been befitting a villain known to travel through the ages and changing identities. He is known for being nothing but trouble, regardless of where he appears, and is also one of the Avengers’ greatest foes. But, we can’t forget these superheroes who have defeated Kang The Conqueror not once but multiple times.

1. Cable and Blaquesmith vs. Rama-Tut: Kang captures Egypt as Rama-Tut, and the time machine brings him to the present, where he meets Cable and Blaquesmith. They fight and defeat Kang.

1. Cable and Blaquesmith vs. Rama-Tut: Kang captures Egypt as Rama-Tut, and the time machine brings him to the present, where he meets Cable and Blaquesmith. They fight and defeat Kang.
Cable with his mentor from the future

2. X-Men, Crew of the Enterprise-D, vs. Kang: Scheming Kang brought the crew of the Enterprise Into the present times. They teamed up with the X-Men. The powerful team of X-men defeated Kang, helped by the technological expertise of the Crew of the Enterprise D.

2. X-Men, Crew of the Enterprise-D, vs. Kang: Scheming Kang brought the crew of the Enterprise Into the present times. They teamed up with the X-Men. The powerful team of X-men defeated Kang, helped by the technological expertise of the Crew of the Enterprise D.
X-Men’s powers were doubled

3. Moon Knight vs. Kang: Moon Knight is a street hero who uses his powers to fight crime. He is the unlikeliest of Kang’s foes. He defeated Kang when Kang was trying to gather up all of Khonshu’s ( Egyptian moon god) for himself.

3. Moon Knight vs. Kang: Moon Knight is a street hero who uses his powers to fight crime. He is the unlikeliest of Kang's foes. He defeated Kang when Kang was trying to gather up all of Khonshu's ( Egyptian moon god) for himself.
They both are interconnected

4. Spider-Man vs. Kang the Conqueror: Spider-Man is an iconic Marvel hero and has his own rogues gallery. He has defeated Kang many times because Kang consistently underestimated him.

4. Spider-Man vs. Kang the Conqueror: Spider-Man is an iconic Marvel hero and has his own rogues gallery. He has defeated Kang many times because Kang consistently underestimated him.
Don’t underestimate Spidey


5. The Uncanny Avengers vs. Kang: The Uncanny Avengers were The Avengers and the most powerful X-Men in one team. They took their time bonding. Consequently, Kang and the Apocalypse Twins ensnared the Uncanny Avengers in a scheme to take over the Earth. They overcame their differences and vanquished Kang, the emperor, in his most dangerous assignments.

5. The Uncanny Avengers vs. Kang: The Uncanny Avengers were The Avengers and the most powerful X-Men in one team. They took their time bonding. Consequently, Kang and the Apocalypse Twins ensnared the Uncanny Avengers in a scheme to take over the Earth. They overcame their differences and vanquished Kang, the emperor, in his most dangerous assignments. 
Uncanny Avengers saved the universe from Kang


6. The Fantastic Four vs. Kang: The Fantastic Four is known for time travel, explorations, and adventures. During their time travels, they met and defeated Rama-Tut (Kang ) and brought him back to the present. The Fantastic Four come a close second to the Avengers as Kang’s foes.

6. The Fantastic Four vs. Kang: The Fantastic Four is known for time travel, explorations, and adventures. During their time travels, they met and defeated Rama-Tut (Kang ) and brought him back to the present. The Fantastic Four come a close second to the Avengers as Kang's foes.
They were the first to fight Kang


7. The Vision and Kang: The Vision is a mighty Avenger. Kang uses technology to defeat his opponents, and Vision is well accustomed to such fights. He is also able to hold his own in such battles. Vision knows how to fight and defeat Kang. 

7. The Vision and Kang: The Vision is a mighty Avenger. Kang uses technology to defeat his opponents, and Vision is well accustomed to such fights. He is also able to hold his own in such battles. Vision knows how to fight and defeat Kang. 
Vision took on Kang alone

8. The Young Avengers vs. Kang: There is a history between Kang and the Young Avengers. The founder of the Young Avengers is Iron Lad (Kang the Teenager). The Iron Lad did not want to become Kang, and The Conqueror wanted his destiny unchanged. This led to recurring clashes between the Young avengers and Kang. Finally, they did defeat Kang but could not save Kang from his fate.

8. The Young Avengers vs. Kang: There is a history between Kang and the Young Avengers. The founder of the Young Avengers is Iron Lad (Kang the Teenager). The Iron Lad did not want to become Kang, and The Conqueror wanted his destiny unchanged. This led to recurring clashes between the Young avengers and Kang. Finally, they did defeat Kang but could not save Kang from his fate.
Young Avengers have a grudge with Kang


9. The Inhumans vs. Kang: The Inhumans are not a very heroic group, but they have fought their share of heroes. Kang kidnapped Ahura Boltagan (son of Medusa and Black Bolt) and raised him in the time-stream. In the end, Ahura defeats Kang and kills him.

9. The Inhumans vs. Kang: The Inhumans are not a very heroic group, but they have fought their share of heroes. Kang kidnapped Ahura Boltagan (son of Medusa and Black Bolt) and raised him in the time-stream. In the end, Ahura defeats Kang and kills him.
Inhumans defeated Kang very easily


10. Thor vs. Kang the Conqueror: Thor has fought a lot of villains alone and as a part of the Avengers. Thor has battled Kang in many of his incarnations, including Immortus. The battles with Kang cost Thor dearly as he lost Mjolnir‘s powers. But he eventually defeated Kang and got his revenge.

10. Thor vs. Kang the Conqueror: Thor has fought a lot of villains alone and as a part of the Avengers. Thor has battled Kang in many of his incarnations, including Immortus. The battles with Kang cost Thor dearly as he lost Mjolnir's powers. But he eventually defeated Kang and got his revenge.
Thor lost some of his powers fighting Kang



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