10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned

10 horror movies that were so disturbing they got banned from being shown upon their release. Ever since horror movies have got their recognition, some people have gone beyond the limits to give the creeps. Without a doubt, the genre has harnessed a huge fan following over the years and it only keeps getting better. But every now and then, we have got some horror movies that were just too obscene. So, here’s a list of 10 horror movies that were so disturbing they got banned from being shown upon their release. Check it out!

1. I Spit On Your Grave (1978)

The movie follows the molestation of a young woman. But the events that transpired after she decides to take her revenge are unbearable. The movie was banned in Norway, Iceland, etc.

2. The Exorcist (1973)

10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned
10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned

Forget about the movie, even the trailer was banned from being shown. Warner Bros. claimed the trailer to be too disturbing. So this movie easily makes the cut. But all hail piracy as people still watched the movie and enjoyed it fully.

3. The Texan Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

One of the greatest horror movies ever, the Leatherface wasn’t so welcoming initially. The movie was banned for its violence in Brazil, France, Germany, etc.

4. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned
10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned

Let’s not even begin with how disturbing this movie was. The movie was banned in 40 countries such as Italy, Australia, etc.

5. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Initially, there was a huge debate about whether the movie should be considered a horror or not. Moreover, a sequence of copy-cat crime sequences forced the director to pull the movie out of theatres.

6. Saw VI (2009)

Surprisingly, it took 6 movies for the world to realize the true nature of the franchise. The sixth movie in the franchise got slapped with an X rating in Spain. Be it any case, this is one of the most successful horror franchise till date.

7. Antichrist (2009)

10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned
10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned

This William Dafoe film made four people faint in the initial screening of the film. As a result, the film was banned in France. So, let’s just say that the people even with iron stomach couldn’t stand to watch the movie.

8. Hostel (2005)

Easily one of the most famous horror movie, the movie did not pass the ratings board in places such as Germany, Japan, Ukraine, etc. However, the movie is really recognized as one of the true horror films in thsi particular sphere and is loved by the fans.

9. The Human Centipede 2: The Full Sequence (2011)

Once again, just like Saw VI, it took a sequel for people to realize that the movie is not for them. Even the director mocked the response, and said, “shouldn’t a horror movie be horrific?”

10. Freaks (1932)

10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned
10 Horror Movies So Disturbing They Were Banned

Dracula director Tod Browning wanted his next movie to be even more horrific and let’s just say the director really crossed the boundaries. he really went with actors with prosthetics insteas of hiring carnival actors. Moreover, after the first screening, one woman even ent as far as to threaten MGM that she’ll sue the company. Her ground was that the movie was so horrific it caaused her miscarriage.

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Written by Deepak Vasisht