We all love ourselves a good superhero story. But what does it take to make a character so great? Well, mostly, a superhero stems his powers from all the pain. Now, this pain or grief could be emotional, or literally physical. By that, I mean adding a major twist to the story and having the hero lose a limb. Of course, this adds a lot to the story and the fans love it. So, here’s a list of 10 characters who got more powerful after losing limbs. Check it out:
1. Gazelle
She legit has blades instead of her feet. Apart from showing impressive parkour skills, she uses her prosthetic weapons to slice people in half.
2. Cherry Darling
Might sound weird, but she legit has an M4 carbine/M203 grenade launcher instead of the right foot. Before this, she had a wooden leg which helped her get around just fine.
3. Bucky Barnes
The Marvel fans are well aware of his story. For those who don’t know, he legit fell off a moving train, all the way to the bottom of a hill. He lost his left arm, got captured by HYDRA, and had a metal arm installed as he became a super-soldier.
4. Luke Skywalker
Luke lost his right hand while battling Darth Vader. Later, it got replaced by The L-Hand 980 which made him look really cool.
5. Ash Williams
The guy cut his right hand and legit replaced it with a chainsaw. Without a doubt, he became the ultimate fighter. He later replaces the chainsaw with an intense glove.
6. Alex Murphy
He lost most of his body except his head and one arm (which was later thrown away too). But this is where it gets really cool. His replacement is a full robot body, with a gun that lives in his hip, and a fully functioning computer brain. Overall, the concept is uber cool.
7. Mad-Eye Moody
Some regular unfortunate events resulted in the loss of an eye, a leg, and a part of his nose. He goes on to replace his leg with a wooden clunk, and a magical eye. The eye helps him to see through the invisibility cloak. When everything combines, it makes him look really intimidating.
8. Captain Hook
We all know that he lost his left hand while sword fighting with Peter Pan. Even though his name doesn’t go well with his fighting tactics, it makes him look really cool.
9. Thor
Even the God of Thunder had to lose an eye to realize his true potential. His real sister, Hela, took her eye out while dominating him in the fight. This, in turn, pushes Thor over the edge and he truly becomes the God of Thunder.
10. Jax
Tragically, he lost both of his arms. However, he gets two bionic arms as a replacement which increases his stamina and agility.