The 2014 film Guardians of the Galaxy introduced the Guardians to Marvel fans. Along with the Guardians, the science-fiction film also introduced Karen Gillan as Nebula. The first film featured the conflict between her and her sister, Gamora. Their father, Thanos wanted her to be as skilled as Gamora and this led the two sisters to clash throughout the film.
Although their equation did not match in the film, Gillan did not feel the same way about her co-star in real life. While promoting the 2014 film, the Jumanji star shared that she enjoyed filming her fight scenes with Zoe Saldana.
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Karen Gillan Enjoyed Filming Fight Scene With Zoe Saldana
Karen Gillan has been portraying the MCU characters Nebula since 2014. The actress is set to reprise her character in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. While her relationship with her adopted sister grew over the years, they weren’t always on the same page.
Nebula hated her sister, Gamora, as she was always favored by her father, Thanos, for being more skilled than her. However, Gillan did not feel the same way about her co-star. During her interview with On-Demand Entertainment, the Dual star shared that she enjoyed filming her fight scenes with Zoe Saldana.
When she was asked if she enjoys “taking on boys” for a combat scene or if she enjoyed “having a go at Zoe.” Answering the question, Karen Gillan said that it was more fun to do a girl fight as a lot of films don’t have a girl fight scene.
She also praised the Colombiana star, called her an amazing fighter and “better than most of the boys.” While the American star is popular for her roles in Guardians of the Galaxy and Avatar, she has also worked in several action films throughout her career. Despite their conflicts, Gamora and Nebula work together to save the universe and defeat Thanos in the MCU.
Nebula’s Upgraded Look in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The threequel of the 2014 film series is set to release in May this year. Along with the rest of the cast, Karen Gillan will also be reprising her character in the upcoming film. And a recently released still from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has revealed her upgraded look.
A still released by USA Today gives fans a clearer look at Nebula’s upgraded arm, which seems less robotic than the rest of her bionic body parts. The arm has a chainlike design. Her upgraded look was first released in the trailer. However, the recently released still gives a clear view of her new arm.
Fans also noticed that her arm in the Holiday Special was not the same as shown in the still and the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer. The threequel is expected to deal with the backstory of the Guardians and fans believe that they would also see the story of how Nebula got her new arm between the events of Holiday Special and Volume 3.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is set to release on 5 May 2023.
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Source: On-Demand Entertainment