In DC Comics, Black Adam is portrayed as both a violent anti-hero and Shazam’s arch-enemy. Shazam banishes Black Adam, formerly known as Teth-Adam, into space when he unleashes a reign of destruction throughout Ancient Egypt after being corrupted by Shazam’s abilities. Enmity has been frequently highlighted in the corresponding comic books, many still anticipate that the two will eventually cross paths.
Zachary Levi has no clue about Dwayne Johnson’s cameo
Fans wonder if Shazam! Fury of the Gods would accept the latest spinoff movie including an appearance by Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam, even if the picture is centered on Zachary Levi’s eponymous hero.
As Black Adam made his debut in October of last year, rumors regarding Dwayne Johnson allegedly playing Black Adam in Fury of the Gods began to circulate online. Johnson’s cameo was initially scheduled to appear in the film, but it was apparently canceled after DC Films changed its name to DC Studios in an effort to reboot the series.
Levi coyly addressed the aforementioned story in an interview with entertainment reporter Jake Hamilton by neither denying nor confirming it. He said, “That’s all so far above my pay grade, I have no idea.” He said that he doesn’t necessarily object to the notion of presenting fans with the live-action Shazam vs. Black Adam confrontation they’ve been longing for.
“I know that in the comics, and even in some animation, there has been some really cool, epic battles between Shazam and Black Adam… I know a lot of fans wanted that. I know I was totally open to that, but that’s all I know.”
The actor is open to a cameo by Black Adam, emphasizing on Black Adam’s and Shazam’s enmity in the comics. They have some epic fights and storylines, and Levi is more than willing to explore those areas. No one can deny that Levi might be sour about not being cast in Shazam! spin-off Black Adam. And instead of his character, Superman was made the strongest force Adams had to beat.
Dwayne Johnson might make an appearance as Black Adam
There were concerns expressed regarding Dwayne Johnson’s main character’s potential comeback after Black Adam failed with $393 million at the global box office compared to a budget of up to $200 million.
“James Gunn and I connected, and Black Adam will not be in their first chapter of storytelling. However, DC and Seven Bucks have agreed to continue exploring the most valuable ways Black Adam can be utilized in future DC multiverse chapters.”
James Gunn, the co-CEO of DC Studios, also decided to put a potential sequel on hold, which was perceived by many as Black Adam’s expulsion from the DC Universe. The message above indicates that he has not cut ties with Gunn and Safran and might make an appearance as Black Adam in other films. So maybe he might make a cameo in Shazam! Fury of Gods.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods will release on 17 March 2023.
Source: YouTube