The One Piece Live Action adaptation has been the talk of the town since its announcement. After its release yesterday, it has managed to grasp the attention of every One Piece fan. The series based on the original manga created by Eiichiro Oda has tried its best to stick to the original script and keep it grounded as much as possible. The series creators Matt Owens and Steven Maeda have worked hard and after the deep influence of Oda-san himself, they have managed to make a masterpiece.
Although One Piece originally is a story based on Pirates and adventures, it is not as dark or gruesome as other popular pirate shows. Even the Editor of the One Piece Live Action has confirmed this. According to her, she expected the show to be like Black Sails, but she was surprised after she learned deeply about the show.
Tessa Verfuss Compares One Piece with Black Sails
During an interview with Screenrant, One Piece Live Action editor Tessa Verfuss explained how the series was entirely different from anything she had created before. She explained how, it was much bright, optimistic, and colorful. She said:
“First of all, it’s a lighter tone, Black Sails is very dark; very heavy, very serious. The manga is a little bit more grounded than the anime, but it’s a lighter show. It’s bright, it’s optimistic, it’s colorful, and there’s this great joy and warmth and sincerity to it. It’s not like everyone’s this twisted antihero; very different tonally in that sense.
Then, in a stylistic sense, a show like Black Sails is trying to be quite gritty and realistic, whereas you’ve got people with crazy superpowers and things like that, and it doesn’t take itself all that seriously. It’s having fun, and you can have fun with that style and that tone; how you pace things can allow for these moments of wry humor to come through.”
This also confirms that the series has stayed true to its original manga, and has not tried to change the course.
Tessa Verfuss Explains How One Piece Live Action is a Different Tone
During the Interview, Editor Verfuss talked about how watching the One Piece anime series and manga changed her conception of the series. She explained how the use of superpowers and pink ships changed her perception of the series and the editing she thought she had in mind. She said:
“When I learned a little bit more about the IP, they were like, “Well, it’s a pirate show, but you’ve got a pirate ship that’s colored hot pink, for example. It’s not at all like Black Sails. This is the anime, this is the manga, check it out and see.” And yeah, totally different tones.”
One Piece live-action has received a lot of love from fans. It has received a high stellar 94% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes based on more than 2,500 user reviews.
All episodes of the One Piece live-action series are available for streaming on Netflix.
Source: Screenrant