For a moment there, we could finally see Amber Heard’s defense falling down like a house of cards. The moment Camille Vasquez, Johnny Depp’s lawyer, went on the offensive, it looked like it was all over for Amber Heard. Is she the secret weapon in Johnny depp’s team? Who is this ruthless women that is ripping apart Amber Heard’s entire case left, right, and centre? We almost feel sorry for Amber Heard. She almost snapped while answering the questions, realizing that Camille Vasquez is calling out all her bluffs.
Why is this important, you ask? It’s because Camille Vasquez may have helped blow the case wide open and given Depp’s team a major breakthrough. Her questions highlight several inconsistencies in Heard’s testimony.
Amber Heard Reveals She Is Yet To Pay The 7 Million Donation Money As Promised After Her Divorce Settlement
As Amber Heard took the stand, Camille Vasquez asks her about The Sun op-ed and the divorce settlement.
“[Johnny Depp] didn’t sue you until after the op-ed came out in December of 2018.. Right?”
Amber agreed, replying: “He sued me in 2019”. Camille Vasquez added on:
“And the op-ed came out in December 2018. So in October of 2018, you had received your entire 7 Million dollars divorce settlement. You would agree with me? And you hadn’t been sued yet by Mr. Depp. So in this October 2018 interview you said you had ‘donated’ your entire divorce divorce settlement to charity. Right? And in fact your exact words were, ‘7 Million in total were donated to. I split it between the ACLU and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.”
Amber Heard agreed to each and every question posed by Camille Vasquez. claiming that she ‘pledged’ her entire money to charity (ACLU and the LA Children’s Hospital) as soon as she was handed the divorce settlement.
Camille Vasquez then goes for the jugular, asking a critical question that looked like the beginning of the end for Amber Heard’s defense.
“And you say this because you said ‘you wanted nothing.”
Amber Heard agrees. And then she realizes her mistake.
Camille Vasquez Exposes Amber Heard’s Lies
Camille Vasquez continues grilling Amber Heard on her alleged donation pledge to the ACLU and the LA Children’s Hospital.
“But you hadn’t donated your entitled 7 Million dollars settlement to charity at that point. Had you? Sitting here today, Ms. Heard, you still haven’t donated seven million dollars divorce settlement to charity”
When Heard counter-claims that it’s an incorrect statement, that she had pledged that money and intended to ‘fulfill those obligations’, Vasquez replies:
“Ms. Heard, that’s not my question. Please try to answer my question. Sitting here today, you have not donated the seven million dollars, DONATED – not pledged, donated, seven million dollars divorce settlement to charity.”
What Does This Prove – Is Amber Heard Losing?
It is hard to say at this point. But the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial is right now tilting heavily in Johnny depp’s favor, if public opinion is taken as a factor. The Jury will obviously feel the same way. An A-list celebrity like Amber Heard going back on her own word after going on record to pledge that divorce money to charity does not bode well for her case. The closing words of Vasquez sum it all:
“That’s because you did want something, didn’t you? You wanted mr. Depp’s Money. You wanted praise for donating the money. Right? You wanted good press. You wanted to seem altruistic publicly, wanted to remind everyone of your claims of domestic violence against Mr. Depp, right? You wanted to make those claims seem believable. You wanted to be seen as a noble victim of domestic violence.”