The reality competition inspired by Netflix’s popular K-Drama, Squid Game, is based on a survival contest to win a huge amount of money. The Netflix series, originally made and released by Netflix in 2021, then led to the reality show being declared in June 2022. Despite the incredible fame of the series and the buzz surrounding the competition, the popularity came under scrutiny recently after some news surfaced regarding the harsh conditions encountered during the Red Light, Green Light challenge.
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Freezing Nightmare in Red Light, Green Light
News has recently surfaced that contenders taking part in the competition’s Red Light, Green Light challenge, suffered from brutal weather-related injuries since the location they were supposedly in was experiencing freezing cold temperatures. The competition got worse when the sheer cold temperatures failed to prepare the crew and the contenders for this scenario, and no preventative measures were put in place if any person on the reality show were to fall sick. Soon, reports of some participants being transported to the hospital began coming out.
According to some reports, the contestants were unwell and many experienced frostbite while being on the show. The players had to be motionless for most of the time during the challenge, causing serious injuries when the cold got to them. Netflix recently commented on this situation, saying –
“While it was very cold on set – and participants were prepared for that – any claims of serious injury are untrue. We care deeply about the health and safety of our cast and crew, and invested in all the appropriate safety procedures”
Reports stated that a player had been carried out of the reality show on a stretcher as the temperature dropped down below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Although, Netflix has denied all accusations of the stretcher incident. “Even if hypothermia kicked in then people were willing to stay for as long as possible because a lot of money was on the line”, said a contestant to The Sun.
How Similar is Squid Game Reality Show to the Fiction Series?
The plot of the popular K-Drama goes as follows: 456 players are abducted and placed on an island, only to compete with each other until only one contestant remains who gets the prize money. The contestants play various games that will cost them their lives if they lose, though the games that they played were the ones every child is familiar with. So, they either pass all the rounds and win their freedom and the money as a prize or die trying.
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The reality show, also titled, Squid Game: The Challenge was announced on 15th June 2022, and had been received with widespread clamor on the internet. The game follows the South Korean drama’s basic concept wherein 456 players have to participate in win-or-lose challenges and ultimately the one victor takes home the pot of $4.56 million. So far, no incidents were reported from the sets of the reality show, although the recent news did make for some sarcastic comebacks on Twitter as people were quick to note how injuries were bound to happen when faced with a do-or-die style challenge.
There is currently no official notice for Squid Game season 2 but it is rumored to be released sometime in 2024.
The Korean show, Squid Game, is available for streaming on Netflix.
Source: Twitter