Marvel kicked off the MCU with the 2008 Iron Man. The movie introduced the American superhero, Iron Man to the world. The film follows Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, a billionaire who is captivated by the Ten Rings. After this, he made his original Iron Man suit. The movie was a hit and is still one of the best movies of the MCU. After the film was released, it was revealed that the lead actor and the director, Jon Favreau, improvised a lot of things in the movie.
Robert Downey Jr also shared that these improvisation led many people to be frustrated. While talking about the process involved in making a Marvel movie, the actor mentioned how people were frustrated with him and Favreau as they worked with writers during the first Iron Man.
Robert Downey Jr Says He Likes to Discover Things
Talking to Joe Rogan on his show, JRE podcast, Robert Downey Jr talked about the process a Marvel movie goes through. He said that not a lot, but some things change. He said he likes when there is a loose concept, and certain parts are not going to change much, but there is still space to improvise.
He said, “I really like when you have a loose concept of what you’re doing and certain parts that aren’t going to change much, and the rest you discover.”
Robert Downey Jr.
The Avengers star talked about the first Iron Man. He mentioned how he and Jon Favreau worked on the script with writers. He then stated that he and the director worked on dialogues, which left a lot of people frustrated.
He said, “So the first Iron Man. I mean Jon and I and the writers or Jon and I, we were just would write, you write a line, I’ll write a line.”
He further stated, “Sometimes it’s very self-indulgent to come in, and you know hand out new pages or say, ‘oh I’m not saying that, so feed me that.” The Tropic Thunder star also mentioned that people need to have an environment of respect. He also said that he likes discovering things.
Kevin Feige Says Robert Downey Jr Changed the MCU Forever
Kevin Feige has mentioned that Tony Stark revealing he was Iron Man, worked as a breakthrough for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At the end of the first Iron Man, Tony Stark held a press conference where he revealed that he was Iron Man.
Kevin Feige said that it was not the original end they planned, but he liked the improvisation made by Robert Downey Jr and approved it before the cut to the end credits. He said they wanted to stick to the comic books where the billionaire took several years to reveal his identity as Iron Man.
But the character not reading off the cards and not sticking to what the story says, describes perfectly who Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, is. That was the reason Kevin Feige felt comfortable with including Downey Jr ad lib in the movie.
Robert Downey Jr was last seen as Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame. The actor is starring in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, which will hit theatres on 21 July 2023.
Source: YouTube