Among the plethora of celebrities across the world, Keanu Reeves is undoubtedly the most generous, kind, and humble human being. Despite the immense fame he has garnered over the years, he remains as humble as ever, respectful of everyone regardless of their stature.
Just like his films remain memorable, there are numerous of his interview moments that remain iconic and unforgettable, thanks to Reeves’ quirky personality. However, there is one interview that remains the most iconic.
Keanu Reeves’s Iconic Moment When He Made Interviewer Walk Away
Keanu Reeves got his much-deserved break when he starred in the 1989’s film Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure along with Alex Winter. The film was a success and a sequel was made soon after. However, ever since the sequel, he was doomed by the impending question of whether there would be a third installment or not.
In an interview back in 2013, Keanu Reeves was once again quizzed by the celebrity interviewer, Josh Horowitz on when Bill & Ted 3 will be made. As Reeves addressed the rumors and the chances of the film taking place, Horowitz asked,
“Is Bill’s voice going to come back naturally? Is it hard to get back into the actual voice, the cadence of Bill?”
Horowitz made an epic blunder when he got Reeves’ character wrong which seemed ironic since he had been quizzing Reeves about when the film will come about for about 8 years. And Keanu Reeves replied,
“I play Ted.”
Just as Josh Horowitz walked off looking horrified and embarrassed, the John Wick star had a last laugh as he added,
“You just lost all of your cred, dude.”
However, despite the ironic mistake, Reeves was super sweet and went on to reveal that he actually thought that he would be playing Alex Winter’s character, Bill.
Keanu Reeves Reveals Hilarious Bill & Ted Story
In an effort to lighten up the mood and save his interviewer from horrible embarrassment, Keanu Reeves being the gentleman he is shared a hilarious story from his Bill & Ted days.
“You know what’s funny about that? I’ll tell you a story. Because that does happen. I’ll tell you a Bill & Ted story.”
The Speed star recalled how both he and Winter had thought that they would be playing each other’s characters when they got the casting call.
“So one day we’re going in — Alex and I both, once we heard that we got the roles, thought we were playing the other guy’s role. So I thought I was going to be playing Bill and he thought he was going to be playing Ted. It was weird.”
But then suddenly in the dressing room, while getting their fittings done, both he and his co-star got to know about their ‘real’ roles.
“Then we both went to wardrobe fittings and they told us we had the other roles, and then we said… ‘OK.’”
This anecdote perfectly encapsulates Reeve’s unique personality, down-to-earth nature, and captivating demeanor.
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure can be rented on YouTube.
Source: YouTube