Actor John Boyega, who played the role of Finn in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, might return to the franchise. As per film critic Jeffrey Sneider, the actor might return to the franchise although he has made it clear in the past that he no longer wants to be involved.
Boyega’s portrayal of Finn was loved by fans all over the world. His performance brought the best out of the character and made him a prominent figure in the franchise. Fans would love to see him return in the future, but nothing is confirmed as of now.
Jeff Sneider believes John Boyega will return to the Star Wars franchise
Famous film critic Jeffrey Sneider recently appeared on The Hot Mic podcast and answered several questions regarding pop culture. Something that caught all Star Wars fans’ attention was his take on the return of John Boyega as Finn. A fan asked in the super chat, “Will John Boyega return as Jedi ever?” To which the film critic replied,
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Boyega made a return, I know he has spoken loudly against wanting to be involved and that he is done, but what talks the loudest Johnny?”
The podcast host John Rocha then replied, “Money.”
Jeff Sneider implied that Boyega will make a return for the money, although the actor has stated in the past that he is not interested in returning as Finn.
Jeff Sneider says the actor will return if they pay him enough
The film critic further added that he will have a hard time declining the offer if the studios pay him enough money,
“If they want him back, and they are willing to pay him, I imagine he will have a hard time turning down that check.”
John Rocha further said if they can get back actress, Daisy Ridley, they can also try to bring back John Boyega.
John Boyega played Finn in three Star Wars movies
Boyega played Finn in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, which consists of three films, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017), and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Finn is a former stormtrooper who joins the Resistance, a group fighting against the First Order, which is the successor to the Galactic Empire. Finn eventually becomes a central character in the trilogy, so selecting the perfect actor for the role was quite important. Boyega’s portrayal of Finn was praised by fans all over the world and he became a prominent figure in the Star Wars franchise.
Source: The Hot Mic podcast