Starting in 2005, the show Everybody Hates Chris was based on the memories of Chris Rock from his teen years. The American sitcom starred Terry Crews, Tichina Arnold, and Tyler James Williams, while the show was narrated by the Madagascar actor himself.
Created by Chris Rock and Ali Le Roi, the show ran for four seasons before the stand-up comedian decided to end it as he believed the show had caught up with his past.
Chris Rock to return with Everybody Hates Chris
The fans will be treated to a reboot of the original show, once again narrated and produced by the Grown Ups actor, but this time animated. Greenlit by MTV Entertainment Studios, the studio seems to be enhancing its adult animation portfolio.
Also read: Controversial Chris Rock Moments That Hit Harder Than the Will Smith Oscars Slap
Commenting on the same, the CEO of MTV Entertainment Studios and Paramount Media Networks Chris McCarthy stated that Everybody Still Hates Chris will be joining their adult animation library, which already includes South Park and Beavis And Butt-Head. She further stated:
“Chris Rock is one of the most gifted comedians of all time and we’re excited to partner with him, 3 Arts and CBS Studios to bring this to life and welcome it as the next big hit in our expanding arsenal of iconic adult animation”
Will he get slapped in the show?
Since being slapped by Will Smith at the Oscars, the Spiral actor has gained a new level of fan following, with many lauding him for his unapologetic humor. But many still found the joke to be tasteless and unnecessary.
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After the series Everybody Still Hates Chris was announced, fans have been hilariously asking on Twitter whether the Oscar slap gate is included in the show since the show is loosely based on the actor’s life.
Source: Twitter