The Andy Muschietti-directed movie, The Flash, has been subjected to microscopic scrutiny as lead actor, Ezra Miller landed in a series of controversies over the course of the past couple of years. Even as the production giant, Warner Bros. faces an avalanche of internet criticism due to its actor and their upcoming film, the movie is set to release on schedule.
However, now that news surfaced of an Ezra Miller starring Flash television series, fans have taken to social media to criticize and question the motive behind the move. Reports suggest the alleged series had already been scrapped following the Ezra Miller controversies but that did not appease DC fans.
Related article: Ezra Miller’s List Of Controversies That Are Just Too Disturbing
Ezra Miller Controversy and The WB Series
A rumor at this point, news of developing the television series rose after Caroline Kwan’s tweet regarding the same went viral. Although taken down, the tweet reported that the series was being developed by one of Kwan’s close acquaintances. Scrapping an entire series would have been easier if it was in the ideation phase when the controversies related to the lead actor broke out. However, the progress of the series and the involvement of Miller in it remains unknown so far.
Also read: Why Zack Snyder Doesn’t Want Grant Gustin To Replace Ezra Miller
Fantastic Beasts actor Ezra Miller played a crucial part in the formative phase of DC Extended Universe beginning with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, Justice League, Justice League [Snyder’s Cut], and now the upcoming solo movie, The Flash.
The talented actor, however, landed in a boiling mess of clashes with the authorities after getting involved in two violent altercations in Hawaii, and after reports of kidnapping and grooming Tokata Iron Eyes (now, Gibson Iron Eyes) arose earlier this year after the latter’s parents asked the Standing Rock Sioux tribal court to issue a Protection Order and a restraining order against the actor.
Also read: WB Pauses Ezra Miller’s DCEU Future Due To Violent Behavior
Fans Troll Warner Bros. Following Flash TV Series News
The CW series, The Flash, starring Grant Gustin in its lead role has been running since 2014. Since the series is already a massive success and a favorite among DC fandom, fans have been surprised since news surfaced of a new WB project. The television script, thus, may have followed an alternate DC universe’s Barry Allen playing the character in an integral role.
Also read: Times The Flash Showed Potential But Still Ended Up Missing The Mark
Twitter has been flooded with reactions and trolls after the Caroline Kwan tweet was posted. These are some of the major fan reactions trolling the Warner Bros.:
Also read: Old, Classic DC Movies The Flash Can Finally Make A Part Of The DCEU Multiverse
The Flash movie is inspired by the Flashpoint storyline created by Geoff Johns. Starring Michael Keaton, Ben Affleck, and other notable actors, the movie is set to be released on 23 June 2023.
Source: ComicBook Movie