In the mesmerizing world of entertainment, Margot Robbie stands out as a formidable presence with captivating charisma and extraordinary talent. Recently, the spotlight shone on the film Barbie, where the 33-year-old shared the screen with heartthrob Ryan Gosling. Despite the excitement surrounding the movie, an unexpected twist arose after its release.
Some of Robbie’s pals were confused by her conscious choice to leave out a steamy makeout sequence with Gosling and questioned her authority on the set.
Margot Robbie’s Friends Were Disappointed With Her Because Of The Film Barbie
When Margot Robbie stepped into the shoes of the titular character in the Greta Gerwig-directed film Barbie, the suspense among her friends soared.
Eagerly awaiting the cinematic enchantment, they expected a magnetic connection between Robbie’s character and her love interest, played by the charismatic 42-year-old.
Read more: “Accurate description”: Fans Slam Margot Robbie’s Barbie for Being ‘Woke Feminist Trash’
However, as the film graced the silver screen, disappointment filled the air. Robbie’s friends were surprised that there wasn’t a hot makeout moment between the two celebrities.
In a recent interview, the actress candidly shared her friends’ reactions and her thoughts on the missed lip-lock opportunity. Despite the expectation, she said,
“All of my girlfriends were like, Well you did a whole movie with him and you don’t kiss? What’s wrong with you? I thought you were kind of in charge of this one. I was like, I know, I can’t check that one off [my list].”
While her friends yearned for a romantic twist, Robbie recognized the significance of staying true to the essence of the story and her character’s journey.
The film Barbie proved to be a box-office success even without the anticipated steamy scene, demonstrating the power of storytelling over conventional expectations.
Barbie’s Success Shot Up Despite The Absence Of A Steamy Scene
As the curtains lifted on the highly-anticipated film Barbie, audiences eagerly anticipated the enigmatic world brought to life by the talented Robbie.
Surprisingly, the absence of a steamy romantic scene between the artist and co-star Gosling failed to reduce the film’s brilliance.
The movie hit theaters with a bang, making a staggering $22.3 million at the domestic box office during Thursday previews alone.
Industry experts predict the film to soar well beyond $100 million in its opening weekend. Notably, Barbie received an exceptional CinemaScore from its opening day audiences and boasts an impressive 90% score on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.
The director, Greta Gerwig, played a crucial role in the film’s record-breaking success. Her visionary approach, coupled with the studio’s excellent marketing, solidified Barbie as a resounding proof of the power of creativity.
Gerwig’s impressive journey from the improvised cinema movement to becoming one of the most sought-after directors further added to the film’s allure.
Source: New York Post