In 2016, Jennifer Lawrence made an unforgettable appearance on The Graham Norton Show, during which she told an engrossing tale about her experiences with lying in Hollywood. Lawrence discussed a terrifying incident that landed her in a local jail for several hours during the course of the interview.
It all started when she was in a tight spot at customs and needed to tell a white lie to get through to avoid the hassle of applying for a work visa.
Jennifer Lawrence’s The Passport Predicament
Jennifer Lawrence talked about how terrifying it was for her to fly to England for her X-Men audition on The Graham Norton Show. Her passport’s expiration date was rapidly approaching, and she didn’t have a valid work visa.
To avoid being asked for a work visa, the producers warned her, “Don’t tell them that you’re here for work.”
“I was auditioning for the first X-Men. My passport was expiring under six months which apparently you are not supposed to travel, bah-bah-bah. They were like, ‘Whatever you do, don’t tell them that you’re here for work, because they’ll ask for a work visa; say you’re here for pleasure.'”
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This left Lawrence in a quandary, faced with the choice of either telling the truth and risking her chances or concocting an elaborate lie. Jennifer Lawrence prepared for her customs interview by practicing her lie.
“And I’m like, ‘Oh, my! Good God! I have to lie to a customs officer!’ So I’m working myself up so much through the line. I’m like, ‘OK, I just have to have a backstory. I have to believe it.'”
The stakes were raised as the actress painstakingly crafted her backstory, eventually convincing herself that she needed to believe it to sell it.
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Jennifer Lawrence Ends Up In Jail
Lawrence feigned excitement and told the customs officer that she was in England for her brother’s wedding in Wimbledon when he asked her why she was there. The lie eventually came to light.
Jennifer Lawrence: “Um and so I get there and he was like, ‘business or pleasure?’ And I was like, ‘pleasure.
Custom Officer: What are you doing for pleasure?
Jennifer Lawrence: My brothers getting married.
Custom Officer: Where is he getting married?
Jennifer Lawrence: Wimbledon.
Custom Officer: Is he American?
Jennifer Lawrence: Yes.
Custom Officer: Do you have an invitation?
Jennifer Lawrence: No.
Custom Officer: Are you telling the truth?
Jennifer Lawrence: No.'”
Lawrence’s made-up story did not convince the customs officials. When they continued to press her, she admitted that she was lying and was trying to land an audition for a movie. As a result, Lawrence spent about five hours in a cell while the authorities checked with her employer to ensure her story added up.
The actress later revealed that being confined in the makeshift cell made her feel small and uneasy. The next time Jennifer Lawrence finds herself in a tight spot., she could use her acting chops to convince customs officers that she’s an undercover mutant getting ready for her next X-Men mission. After all, who could say no to the allure and persuasiveness of Mystique, the one and only?
X-Men is available to stream on Disney Plus.
Source: YouTube