James Gunn is a celebrated filmmaker known for his work in the superhero genre. With a distinctive style that blends humor, action, and heart, Gunn has made a significant impact on the world of comic book adaptations. Gunn was praised for making the first installment of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, which brought a fresh and quirky approach to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Gunn went ahead and directed Volume 2 of the series along with Volume 3, which will soon be released. But The Suicide Squad director revealed that he had no motive to use Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in his upcoming movie.
James Gunn On Involving Thor In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
In a recent interview, Guardians of the Galaxy filmmaker James Gunn revealed his initial surprise when he found out that Thor would be teaming up with the Guardians in Avengers: Endgame. Gunn added that he was not much involved in the Avengers: Endgame as a result he was taken by surprise. Gunn was also unsure about how he is gonna use Thor in his vision of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
“[Marvel] chose to have that ending in editing. And I didn’t think it was gonna be in there. ‘Endgame’ came out right after I decided to do ‘Guardians’ again. So I didn’t have much say in what was in ‘Endgame,’ and then it came out and then I was like, What the f*ck am I gonna do?”
James Gunn Thanked Taika Waititi
The co-CEO of the DCU revealed that he was relieved after knowing that the director of Thor: Love and Thunder, Taika Waititi, decided to involve Guardians in his movie. Thor: Ragnarok’s director decided to elaborate the connection between Thor and Guardians in his movie, which made Gunn’s work much easier. James Gunn added that Chris Hemsworth’s MCU character was never going to be in his movie, and it was Waititi who saved him by incorporating and presenting both Thor and Guardians on screen.
“When [Marvel Studios president] Kevin [Feige] told me, ‘Taika’s gonna do Thor, and we’ll have the Guardians in it’. I said, ‘Thank God!’. To be completely honest, Thor was never going to be in this movie. Taika took a bullet for me. Because I was not going to have him in. I was just gonna start up and there’s no Thor.”
Despite his initial surprise, Gunn’s comments indicate that he ultimately embraced the idea of Thor joining the Guardians of the Galaxy only because of Waititi. It looks like James Gunn came out to be lucky in his last MCU movie. Gunn won’t work any longer on any MCU movie and will focus his efforts on rebuilding the DCU.
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 is scheduled to be released on May 5, 2023.
Source: Rolling Stone
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