The Harry Potter series, created by JK Rowling and adapted into a critically acclaimed movie franchise by Warner Bros., began its journey with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in 2001 and quickly went on to span the length of 7 sequels, ending with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011). The journey of the titular character, however, does not end there as the universe goes on inhabiting the wizards and the muggles, and it seems as though the peek into the past with the Fantastic Beasts franchise has been enough reminiscing for now.
Warner Bros. Discovery is fully planning ahead and HBO Max’s content head reveals how the team is delving into strategically pursuing the Harry Potter universe further into the future.
Warner Bros. Rolls Out the Carpet For Harry Potter Franchise
It has been over a decade since the wizards and the muggles of the original Warner Bros. Wizarding World last stepped onto the big screens. Since 2011, there has only been the past to keep the Potterheads company while Fantastic Beasts nosedive into the era of Grindelwald and Dumbledore’s epic romance and rivalry. In the meantime, the April merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery that gave way to a budgetary restraint and a consequential soul-searching for Warner Bros. IPs delivered a blueprint for the future of the billion-dollar production house.
Without further ado, WBD now launches an array of projects centered around their original properties like the Harry Potter franchise. After the 2021 reunion special, the waves of nostalgia and longing that crashed into hearts around the world managed to work out to some extent. Reports now indicate that the past (having been all caught up now) is to stay in the past and newer projects that can give the fans a glimpse into the future are up for discussion within the walls of the Warner Bros. HQ.
HBO Max Content Head Discusses Plans For WBD’s Future
When it comes to the Harry Potter franchise, the beloved juggernaut that provided home and escapism to entire generations of young fans has to be treated as a sacred entity. As such, to cross over the boundaries of the original universe and step into the future with the remnants that were left behind is also a subject that can prove contentious if not served right. Sarah Aubrey understands that and in her position as the content head for HBO Max, she knows exactly how to streamline the Harry Potter franchise in the right direction.
“There’s nothing like a ‘Harry Potter’ fan, in terms of their endless appetite for storytelling and new ways of interacting with these characters. So whether it’s the reunion or live events or games, we’re very much in the business of creating new content for those fans and thinking what to do next. We don’t have a series in active development right now. But we are very much in that business, because fans are just clamoring for more storytelling.”
Also read: “We’re going to have a real focus on franchises”: HBO Max Boss Seemingly Confirms Harry Potter Series is in the Cards After the Failure of Fantastic Beasts
While it may not be saying much as to the status of the franchise’s development, the Potterheads can now awaken from their indefinite hiatus to fawn over the rumored Harry Potter series. If justice is done by the original creation, the fans might even get to explore Hogwarts through the eyes of the legacy children and perhaps witness a few returning cameos.
Source: Variety