Everyone was delighted when Hugh Jackman announced his return as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. Ryan Reynolds, being the best friend of the actor was one of the core reasons behind bringing Wolverine back, but for a special condition.
Ryan Reynolds had his plan Kevin Feige approved and Hugh Jackman approved so that the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand further and further. The actor also talked about his experience working with his real-life best friend.
Hugh Jackman’s Important Condition For Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds will be recently seen starring alongside Will Ferrel in a Christmassy musical called Spirited. The movie is a dark twist on the classic tale of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. Appearing on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, the actor shared several parts of his life with Jimmy Fallon.
The video starts with Fallon asking about Ryan Reynolds’ fourth child with his wife Blake Lively. The video then talks about musical films such as La La Land, Dear Evan Hansen, and, The Greatest Showman. Speaking of The Greatest Showman, the duo remembered Hugh Jackman portraying the main character in the movie, and thus, Reynolds revealed what conditions had been laid.
“Yes, yes I am very excited about it. It’s kind of amazing. Yeah he’s bringing in Wolverine. We figured out a way to do it that’s Hugh Jackman approved and Kevin Feige approved, where we’re completely protecting the legacy of ‘Logan’, the way it was left off. We wouldn’t mess with that”
said Ryan Reynolds. The condition of their agreement was that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine aka Logan should not be untouched. Reminding the audience that Logan died in the movie finale and that his legacy must be protected at all costs was demanded by Hugh Jackman. But if Logan’s dead, then how will they show him in Deadpool 3? You may ask, well, we have got a theory for that.