Elizabeth Olsen, the talented actress who has gained immense popularity for her portrayal of Scarlet Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has had an eventful journey in the world of cinema. With her captivating performances and undeniable talent, Olsen has become a fan favorite in the superhero genre. However, even the stars of these blockbuster films are sometimes kept in the dark about certain movie plot twists and surprises.
In the case of Avengers: Infinity War, Olsen, and her co-stars were unaware of a crucial element of the story: The Blip. Marvel Studios, aiming to prevent any spoilers or leaks, implemented strict measures to safeguard their script after the incidents where stars like Tom Holland ended up providing spoilers to fans.
Elizabeth Olsen On Being Unaware Of The Blip
Elizabeth Olsen shared her experience working in Avengers: Infinity War, mentioning that she wasn’t aware of the Blip plotline. In an interview, the superstar explained that she only received the pages related to her character’s storyline and was given information about the rest of the movie by the directors, Anthony and Joe Russo. The WandaVision star added that the original script was only available on specific iPad and you could only read them under the supervision of a guard.
“I mean, those movies I really don’t know what’s going on. I just get my pages, so I understand the part of the story I’m fulfilling. I get a story that is told to me by the Russos about what’s happening in the rest of the movie. And it isn’t in the script that everyone gets blipped. In those movies, you could read a script in an office, with a security guard, on one specific iPad. And I was like, ‘Can you just give me what I need to know?’ And I don’t really need to know what happens with Robert [Downey Jr.]’s whole part of the film.”
Elizabeth Olsen On Her Shocking Confrontation With The Blip
The Wind River star shared that It wasn’t until the day of shooting that she and the other actors discovered their characters’ fate during The Blip scene. Referred to as “The Wedding” on the shooting schedule, the cast members were gathered in a van, where they were shown pre-visualization footage. It was then that they were informed that their characters would disappear as part of The Blip. The news came as a shock to the actors, who had previously thought that the movie would end differently.
“But we called it ‘The Wedding’ on the schedule. But I didn’t know I got blipped away until we shot it. That was told to us that day. All of us went to the van where they had a bunch of equipment to show us pre-viz: Scarlett [Johansson], Chris [Hemsworth], Chadwick [Boseman], Sebastian [Stan]. We were all just in this van, and they said, ‘This is what’s happening. You guys will disappear.’ And we’re like, ‘OK.’ It was shocking. I mean, we didn’t know. We thought the movie ended differently.”
It seems like Tom Holland’s reputation for unintentionally revealing spoilers forced the studio to take extra measures to prevent any unwanted disclosures. Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr. were only entrusted with the full scripts, while others were intentionally kept in the dark.
Avengers: Infinity War is available on Disney+.
Source: Variety
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