Chicken Run, a cherished animated gem from 2000, sprang to life through Aardman Animations’ creative brilliance. The heartwarming tale centers on Ginger, voiced by Julia Sawalha, leading a resolute band of chickens on a daring escape from the clutches of the wicked Mrs. Tweedy, played by Miranda Richardson. Surprisingly, the film also featured Mel Gibson’s voice.
Chicken Run masterfully weaves together humor, adventure, and heartwarming scenes, enchanting audiences of every generation. The film’s timeless charm is amplified by a stellar voice cast, featuring Mel Gibson’s iconic portrayal of Rocky the Rooster. Chicken Run holds a special place in the hearts of viewers, cherished for its exceptional animation and lovable characters that continue to resonate with fans around the world.
How Was Mel Gibson Convinced For This Role
Unraveling the mystery from 2000, Aardman Animations’ triumph in persuading Hollywood actor Mel Gibson to join Chicken Run came to light through insights shared by the film’s director, Nick Park, during a revealing interview from that era. The tale behind Gibson’s involvement was finally unveiled, shedding light on the captivating story of how the acclaimed actor became an integral part of this beloved animated adventure.
During an interview with the BBC, the director, Nick Park, recalled the intriguing encounter with Mel Gibson. He and Peter Lord had the opportunity to meet the renowned actor at the Oscars sometime around 1996 or 1997, which eventually led to Gibson’s involvement in the film Chicken Run.
“Peter [Lord] and I first met him at the Oscars in 1997 or 1996 or whenever,” Park said. “He invited us for lunch to his cigar lunch, and there we discovered he was a Wallace and Gromit fan and that was quite separate from choosing him to play Rocky.”
Nick Park went on to explain further how they discovered Mel Gibson’s suitability for the role of Rocky. While watching the film Maverick, they noticed the striking similarity between Gibson’s character in that movie and Rocky.
“Later when we were watching Maverick, his character was not that far from Rocky. We tested his lines by stealing lines from Maverick and animating to his voice. We thought he would be perfect. You can’t audition Mel Gibson, you have to know you want him I’m sure he’ll be offered more poultry roles after this.”
The result was undeniable, and they knew he would be the perfect choice.
Mel Gibson Isn’t A Big Fan Of Superhero Films
In a noteworthy stance, Mel Gibson didn’t hold back when sharing his thoughts on another 2016 superhero film from Warner Bros., Batman v Superman, which he candidly described as “a piece of sh*t.” The acclaimed actor expressed his disinterest in such content, drawing a clear distinction between real-life heroes and their comic book counterparts, emphasizing that true heroes don’t don spandex attire.
“I’m not interested in the stuff. Do you know what the difference between real superheroes and comic book superheroes is? Real superheroes didn’t wear spandex.”
In a revealing interview with The Guardian back in 2016, Mel Gibson, then 67 years old, disclosed that Marvel Studios had extended an offer for him to portray a supporting character in Chris Hemsworth’s Thor storyline.
Source: Express