Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, produced by Nate Moore and directed by Ryan Coogler is finally out for fans to enjoy and take in Chadwick Boseman’s legacy. The movie has started off with a successful release and fans throughout the world have given the movie a positive review as of late. The character of Namor remained to be neither black nor white, with his morals being in the grey area, which a lot of fans perceived well.
The nation of Talokan was shown to be filled with beauty and scenery, and the people themselves were spirited and quite often, overpowering. Producer Nate Moore, in an interview, opened up about this strength equation that the Talokanians held above the Wakandans and how it could impact the rest of the world.
Talokanian’s Might Be Just As Strong As Super Soldiers According To Nate Moore
In an interview with Collider, Nate Moore, producer of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, stated that the Talokanians have lighter bones and their durability is much stronger than that of humans. Fight sequences within the film show the blue people giving Wakandans tough competition even without their mutant King around.
“We see them as Super Soldier level, they’re a bit tougher, their skin’s a bit tougher. Their bones are probably lighter but, their muscle density is increased.”
He claimed that they were most certainly stronger than humans and would require much stronger killing blows than what Okoye had initially anticipated with her first encounter with them. Super Soldiers already range with a longer life span as well as being much stronger than average humans. To compare those two together could mean huge for the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Ryan Coogler had already established Namor to be as strong as Hulk and Thor.
He also hints at their return by saying that when someone would be crossing paths with them now, it would be a problem for the other party as Talokanians surely know how to take their stand.
Nate Moore On His Next Projects Including Captain America: New World Order
Nate Moore’s next project happens to be Captain America: New World Order, which he teased by stating that Sam Wilson will be getting his own team, setting himself as the Star-Spangled man. Characters such as Samuel Sterns, played by Tim Blake Nelson, and Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, played by Harrison Ford would all be a part of the movie.
One factor that would be explored will be the dynamics between Sam Wilson and Thunderbolt Ross as he happens to be the individual responsible for putting Wilson behind the bars. The movie is set to start production in the spring of 2023 with a script that is ready to amaze its fans.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is available to watch in theatres now.
Source: Collider