Rosario Dawson, the exceptionally talented actress portraying Ahsoka Tano in the highly anticipated Star Wars series, has taken a bold and unexpected step, becoming a vocal supporter in the ongoing actor strike discussions. However, what adds further conspiracy to the situation is the timing, as it coincides with Stephen Amell, another prominent actor, causing a stir with his controversial remarks on the same issue.
Read more: Ahsoka – Everything to Know About Upcoming Star Wars Series Starring Rosario Dawson
Rosario Dawson Responds Fearlessly To Studios Amid SAG-AFTRA Strikes
As the SAG-AFTRA strikes continue, Rosario Dawson, renowned for her extraordinary performances, emerges as a powerful force, unwaveringly confronting studios and standing up for the rights of her fellow actors.
The highly anticipated Star Wars television series, featuring the artist in the role of Ahsoka Tano, finds her taking a resolute stance in support of the current strike.
Unfortunately, strike rules hinder her and her fellow actors from actively promoting the show, making it the first live-action Star Wars series unable to involve its stars in the marketing campaign.
In a candid interview with the media, Dawson passionately supported just compensation and fair treatment within the entertainment industry. Reflecting on the pandemic’s impact, she believes change is essential and openly expressed her full support for the strike’s objectives. She said,
“We watched everything stop on a dime and pivot. So, the idea that we can’t change how things are because that’s the way it’s always been and always will be, we all collectively know that’s BS.”
Interestingly, her statement follows Stephen Amell’s criticism of the strikes and sparks further discussions about necessary changes and the protection of industry professionals moving forward.
Stephen Amell’s Criticism Against SAG-AFTRA Strikes
As the entertainment industry tussles with SAG-AFTRA strikes, Amell, a prominent figure in television and film, has emerged as a vocal critic on the matter.
Much like the Writers Guild of America, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) is currently in the throes of a strike, demanding increased wages, AI regulation, and better residuals for streaming projects, among other key issues.
While many actors publicly support the strike, the 42-year-old’s views differ significantly. During a recent interview with the media outlet, The Flash star openly expressed his lack of support for the SAG-AFTRA strike, prompting widespread attention and criticism across social media.
For Amell, the strike presents a unique dilemma as he is unable to participate in interviews or promotional events for his series and is restricted from promoting it on social media.
As the strike discussions intensify, his remarks continue to fuel passionate debates and raise important questions about fair treatment within the ever-evolving entertainment landscape.
Source: Empire Magazine via Screenrant