Mark Wahlberg has gotten opportunities to work in some of the biggest movies. He has been a part of iconic blockbusters and sometimes even unfortunate disasters. However, whatever problem comes before him, he is unafraid and faces it head first. Out of the movies that he is doing, none stand out the way Boogie Nights and Ted do.
Although both of them are different, it is just as great of an opportunity to portray how much range the actor really has. Wahlberg has rejected movies and he has been rejected from movies, but the actor has also jumped to the opportunities he finds interesting no matter how wild or unusual they may be for him. One such film was none other than Planet of the Apes.
Mark Wahlberg Would Have Done Anything To Star In Planet of the Apes
Mark Wahlberg has worked on a lot of films but none were so different from his usual genre than Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes. The actor could not fathom just how brilliant of an opportunity it was for him. He had always wanted to work with the Wednesday director and it was not a chance he could let slip.
“The only reason to make Planet of the Apes was to work with Tim Burton and Dick Zanuck who was never really a huge fan of the original and not really into sci-fi but I wanted an opportunity to work with Tim so I just jumped at it.”
Although Dick Zanuck was not a big fan of the original film, he stayed on the project as well. It was like a golden egg was put in front of the actor and he had to grab it no matter what. So Wahlberg disregarded any other film coming his way and starred in Burton’s film.
Mark Wahlberg Gave Up An Opportunity To Work In Matt Damon’s Film
In order to work with Tim Burton, Mark Wahlberg was forced to give up his chance of working in Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and George Clooney’s Ocean’s Eleven. He was so eager to work in Planet of the Apes that a movie as big as Pitt’s seemed insignificant to him.
He was so eager to learn from the director that it was a no-brainer for him. An opportunity as unique as this was hard to come by. Not only did he learn a great number of things from the experience, but even Burton managed to learn a thing or two.
Source: GQ