As the Fast & Furious franchise draws to a close, the cast has been riding high on familial love. Still, an elephant in the room is left unaddressed and uncared for, after years of fallout and drama. The Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson feud has been famously part of the fandom and discussed by as many people outside of it as within it. And it shows no signs of being placated by either party, with both actors obstinately sticking to their arguments and showing no signs of backing down or looking for a healthy compromise.
The Feud: Vin Diesel’s “Manipulation” to Get The Rock Back
On November 7, 2021, Vin Diesel offered a hand at mediating the feud by attempting to persuade the actor to come back to the franchise (Dwayne Johnson has remained absent since the eighth installment released in 2017). Via an Instagram post, Diesel insisted:
“My little brother Dwayne… the time has come. The world awaits the finale of Fast 10. As you know, my children refer to you as Uncle Dwayne in my house. There is not a holiday that goes by that they and you don’t send well wishes… but the time has come. Legacy awaits.
I told you years ago that I was going to fulfill my promise to Pablo. I swore that we would reach and manifest the best Fast in the finale that is 10! I say this out of love… but you must show up, do not leave the franchise idle you have a very important role to play. Hobbs can’t be played by no other. I hope that you rise to the occasion and fulfill your destiny.”
Also read: Fast X Director Louis Leterrier Originally Rejected Coming to the Franchise Because “It’s too messy”
The olive branch didn’t fare well as was evident in The Rock’s reply during a CNN interview on December 30, 2021, in which he claimed:
“Vin’s recent public post was an example of his manipulation. I didn’t like that he brought up his children in the post, as well as Paul Walker’s death. Leave them out of it.”
The claim has been viewed by many in the industry as Vin Diesel’s attempt to play the family card to get The Rock to appear in the franchise finale. Even though the quarrel has muddied the waters beyond recognition, the words exchanged between the two via public platforms have contributed to the matter growing more scandalous in the public eye, despite little to no information being made available about their behind-the-scenes politics that led to the ultimate fallout.
Vin Diesel’s Unruly Feud With The Rock Finds No Resolution
It has been 6 years and the feud between two of the biggest names in Hollywood’s action franchise has marked a scar in the legacy of Fast & Furious. Since the early 2000s, the Fast family has been a near-constant source of entertainment for its fandom, delivering higher stakes each time and with each subsequent sequel. However, the unstoppable onscreen powerhouse franchise soon faced a hitch, causing a fissure in the fandom, when Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson’s relationship started growing increasingly frictional with time.
Now that Fast 10 is finally here and there is still no Hobbs to accompany the Toretto clan on their high-stakes plan to save the world, it seems the noise has eventually died down because of Diesel’s understanding that no amount of insistence on his part will be successful in bringing Dwayne Johnson back to the fold.
Fast X arrives in theatres on May 19, 2023.
Source: CNN