Released back in 2008, Twilight became a global phenomenon spanning five movies and earning over $3.3 billion worldwide. Adapted from Stephenie Meyer’s novel of the same name, The Twilight Saga shot Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to fame. However, despite being a massively successful franchise, The Twilight Saga hasn’t really aged well. Widely considered to be one of the worst franchises to ever exist, the movies have led to more depreciating memes over the years, often mocking the weird portrayal of vampires. Additionally, the movies also set back the careers of both Pattinson and Stewart as the actors were criticized for their one-dimensional acting in the franchise.
Related: Twilight: 10 Super Cringe Quotes That Make The Franchise Even Worse To Watch
Though it’s hard to find any positives in the franchise as they have progressively received horrible reception over the years, Twilight is still prime for a TV series reboot according to Ashley Greene. With major successful franchises like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings expanding their vast storyline in television format, the model turned actor has revealed that Twilight does deserve a television reboot in form of a show.
Ashley Greene, who played the role of Alice Cullen, an eccentric member of the Cullen family possessing the ability to foresee the future, wishes that the franchise gets a television treatment. In a recent interview with ET, the actress revealed that she is rather surprised that the massively popular franchise hasn’t yet received a TV series.
“I think, honestly, there is so much backstory with all these characters too, that you could 100 percent do a series, and not necessarily have to do a remake. I think there’s still so much fascination behind, and around, these characters.”
Though it is easy to ridicule Greene’s comment considering the overwhelmingly bad reception Twilight has received, there’s still hope for die-hard fans of the franchise. Interestingly, Stephenie Meyer had also released Midnight Sun, the fifth novel in the series in 2020 where the story of Twilight is from Edward Cullen’s perspective.
Related: Robert Pattinson Reveals That Co-Star Zoe Kravitz Hated Twilight
Considering the commercial success of the Twilight franchise, it is indeed surprising that a television series is not in the works. However, in case the idea of a TV show reboot does come to fruition, it is hard to imagine Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart reprising their roles. As both the actors have gone their separate ways both in reel and real life, the potential reboot needs to look for new leads, and this time with more character depth. Ashley Greene, who had recently lent her voice for the character of Batgirl/Oracle in Batman: Arkham Knight surely does seem interested to return as the eccentric vampire, if the reboot ever happens.