While Greta Gerwig’s iconic movie about the Mattel toy is hovering around the $500M mark at the box office, a recent interview with the filmmaker suggests that Barbie could have been more humorous with massive fart jokes. Unfortunately, the farts galore in Barbie and the windy humor were edited at the last minute.
During an interview with IndieWire, Greta Gerwig and her editor Nick Houy opened up about their desire to include fart jokes in Barbie. However, despite the film tackling a set of absurd situations, the collaborators admitted scrapping the “fart opera” version at the last minute.
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Almost Featured A Fart Opera
Reaching the $500M mark within a few days, Greta Gerwig’s summer blockbuster about the iconic Mattel doll is continuing to witness profitable weeks at the box office. Being a hilarious story with a heartfelt message, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling featuring Barbie is breaking all sorts of records, by just being one of the most fun films in years.
However, while audiences are laughing over and over again over the comedic scenes from Barbie, it is recently revealed that Gerwig was inches close to adding windy humor to the movie. While fart jokes often appear as a great source of humor when executed well, guess what impact it could have had on Barbie if the scenes made it to the silver screen.
In a recent interview with IndieWire, Greta Gerwig and her editor Nick Houy discussed their shared desire to add a fart joke in Barbie. “We’ve always tried to get in a proper fart joke and we’ve never done it,” Gerwig recalled. She further added, “We had like a fart opera in the middle [of Barbie]. I thought it was really funny. And that was not the consensus”.
Greta Gerwig Scrapped The Windy Humor From Barbie
Recalling how she almost added fart jokes into the already hilarious movie, Greta Gerwig confessed trying to add a gleeful coming-of-age story’s humor into Barbie. Admitting her obsession with fart jokes and trying to add them to her filmography, Gerwig and Houy discussed the casualties of that testing process on Barbie.
Stating how every time things went wrong and didn’t appear funny like they imagined it to be, Greta Gerwig and Nick Houy confessed to ultimately scrapping the scenes. “[W]e had a lot of fart jokes in this one, so I thought there was a chance we would get one in. Much higher chance of it being in ‘Barbie’ than ‘Little Women.’ [laughs] … It’s too bad. We had a whole fart scene, kind of, in this one. Too bad it didn’t make it.” Houy shared.
Checking with the audiences if they were ready to accept such comedy in Barbie, Nick Houy recalled going through the excruciating journey of editing. “So we were just, like, ‘Let’s put it in front of people and see how they react.’” the editor stated. Failing to realize whether audiences would accept the fart jokes as hilarious or nightmarish, the duo mutually decided to edit the scenes.
Barbie is currently running in theatres worldwide.
Source: IndieWire