Hollywood A-lister Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt worked together in the popular movie Edge of Tomorrow, which was directed by Doug Liman. It is a futuristic, sci-fi, and action film based on the concept of the time loop. In the film, the leads team up to save humanity from an alien species invasion with the motive of destruction. The film did average business when it was initially released, however, it has gained a massive following over the years.
Tom Cruise’s role in the film was quite impressive due to his knack for comedy and expertise in action scenes. However, the movie would have been quite different if Hollywood star Brad Pitt was the lead of the film.
Brad Pitt was considered for the lead in Tom Cruise’s Edge of Tomorrow
Tom Cruise was the lead in the sci-fi film Edge of Tomorrow and the played out the character excellently. He was a natural in the role with his innate gift of comedy which worked out well in the favor of the time loop scenes of the film. The movie could have turned out quite differently if the main character was played by another actor. As per reports, Fight Club star Brad Pitt was initially the choice of the director for the protagonist.
Had Brad Pitt agreed on doing the film, it would have been his second film with director Doug Liman. The duo had earlier collaborated for Pitt’s highly successful movie of 2005 named, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It featured Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in lead roles.
Why Brad Pitt was the perfect choice for Tom Cruise’s Edge of Tomorrow
With a star stature and over-the-top handsome looks, choosing Pitt for the lead in Edge of Tomorrow was a smart option. The actor has a knack for comedy and has been part of several comedies like The Mexican, and Ocean’s Thirteen, among others. Also, being an A-lister, his name would have been enough to pull the crowd toward the theatres for the blockbuster hit.
There is no known reason why Brad Pitt passed on the role in the film. As per reports, the actor was offered the character when he was in the middle of the shoot of another superhit film, World War Z. Hence, it can be deduced that being involved in one major movie, he might have decided to let go of the movie.
The role was then offered to Tom Cruise, who accepted the film, and it turned out to be one of his most iconic performances in Edge of Tomorrow.
As per reports, once Tom Cruise accepted the role, the character’s age was tweaked in the script to fit the actor.
Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt‘s film was released in 2014 and grossed $370.5 million worldwide. Edge of Tomorrow is currently streaming on Netflix.