Production for the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s 29th film, Thor: Love and Thunder, is underway in Sydney, Australia. Directed by Taika Waititi, the Avengers level film will see the return of Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster, Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie, Jaime Alexander’s Sif, and the cast of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Besides Christian Bale officially joining the fray, plot details have been scarce. Luckily thanks to the Daily Mail set photos from the highly anticipated sequel have made their way around the internet!
Guardians of the Galaxy
It’s been a while since we’ve last seen our favorite ragtag group of space misfits. After the events of Avengers: Endgame, Thor decides to not only travel with the Guardians of the Galaxy but appoints Valkyrie as the next ruler of New Asgard. Along with that, Peter Quill is seen to be tracking down Gamora from the 2014 timeline. Fans have no idea how much of a role they’ll play in the next installment, but my guess is it’ll be a small part. Much like how Robert Downey Jr. was in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Also read: Spider-Man 3 Set Photos Reveal a Plot Detail and Tease the Return of Iron Spider Suit
Thor’s New Costume
With every new MCU film, there’s always a wardrobe change. In this set photo which you can see below, Thor is sporting a new outfit which could a mix between his classic Jack Kirby costume and Thunderstrike. For those who don’t read the comics, Thunderstrike aka Eric Masterson first appeared as a supporting character in Thor #391. Eric first met Thor when he was working as an architect. Having been injured by falling girders and being attacked by countless villains like Amora the Enchantress, Odin creates a mace in the same vein as Thor’s magical hammer, Mjolnir.
Thor’s Pet Goats
With Jason Aaron’s The Mighty Thor looking to be an inspiration on the upcoming blockbuster, fans can expect to see weirder and wackier vibrant aspects of the Thor mythos Waititi introduced in the previous installment. A goat-like creature can be seen in the set photo below indicating that Thor’s pets will have a role to play. It’s not clear which one it is but in the comics, Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder are based on Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr from Norse mythology who pulled Thor’s chariot. Their appearance gives me some hope that Thori from the comics will make his live-action debut in Love and Thunder.
Thor: Love and Thunder is slated to be released in theaters on May 6th, 2022! Are you excited about the movie? What are you hoping to see? Let us know in the comments below!
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