Black Panther actor, Chadwick Boseman passed away prior to the upcoming sequel Wakanda Forever. Marvel Studios had been working on the sequel prior to the death of its lead star. However, there were questions if the studio would continue with the sequel after the lead star passed away. Soon the studio announced that they would not recast King T’Challa and continue the sequel accordingly. The sequel Wakanda Forever’s release is just hours away and the studio head Kevin Feige has now said that they are planning a third movie in the series.
In his interview, Kevin Feige talked about Wakanda Forever and shared that the studio can consider making the threequel to the movie series. However, the studio head is still waiting to see how the audience would receive Wakanda Forever. If they like it there surely would be a threequel in the series.
Marvel Studios Had Conversations About Black Panther 3
As the director and the studio claimed that Black Panther would be a tribute to Chadwick Boseman, critics have agreed that the movie does serve the purpose. While critics praised the movie to remark on Boseman’s legacy, there are some who pointed out that it could have been better.
However, Kevin Feige is still waiting for the viewers’ reviews. The studio head talked about how they are planning to move ahead with Black Panther movies. While talking about Black Panther’s future in the MCU, Kevin Feige revealed that there have been conversations about a threequel.
“This mythology and this ensemble and these characters deserve to continue and will continue after all of us are gone, I hope, and will continue forever in movies the way it has in comics for 50-plus years.”
In an interview with Collider, Kevin Feige said that ideas have “floated around of what a third film could be.” However, he also stated that before commissioning a threequel the studio wants to see how audiences receive the film. And if the movie did well they will surely continue with the series in the future.
Marvel Fans Are Divided on Whether T’Challa Should be Recast
As Marvel Studios announced that it would not recast King T’Challa fans were curious to see who would take the mantle of Black Panther in the MCU. Although reviewers praise Letitia Wright for her portrayal of Shuri, fans are not very pleased with Shuri continuing as Black Panther.
While many fans are in favor of not recasting T’Challa, others are willing to see king T’Challa back into the MCU. Fans are saying that the studio needs to recast T’Challa to keep the character’s legacy alive on screen.
Fans even started a petition to recast T’Challa as it would not make sense to continue Wakanda’s story without its king. Fans do agree that Chadwick Boseman portrayed the character very well and established the character with the viewers. However, it would not make sense to continue the series without the lead character.
And as Feige said that these characters deserve to continue, the same goes for the character of T’Challa. Anyone from the cast can continue playing the character, but the studio needs to recast T’Challa.
As for now, the studio head Kevin Feige said that if the studio plans a threequel, they would continue with the same cast. However, as the studio has already announced the next two phases of the MCU, there wouldn’t be another Black Panther film till 2025.
Black Panther is set to release on November 11, 2022.
Source: Twitter