One Piece began as a manga series back in 1997 and the anime first premiered on Fuji TV in October 1999. Since then, the show has managed to captivate anime enthusiasts with its tale of adventure, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams.
Being one of the longest-running and consistently popular anime series ever, a live-action adaptation was bound to happen and it’s finally happening as Netflix’s One Piece is all set to drop at the end of this month. Recently a showrunner revealed that the creator of the show, Eiichiro Oda, made two demands before approving the live-action series.
One Piece‘s creator, Eiichiro Oda, made two demands before approving the live-action series
With One Piece‘s live-action series slated for release later this month, showrunner Matt Owens revealed the demands that were made by the manga’s creator Eiichiro Oda. The first one was that, Oda wanted the show to keep Straw Hats’ backstories the same as the manga’s,
“They’re so pivotal to who they are as people, what their dreams and motivations are, and how Luffy digs into that as he meets them and helps them rediscover those dreams.”
The second demand was about the characters’ abilities,
“Specific devil fruit powers and other skill sets were all carefully crafted by Oda and a lot of imagination went into what different people can do and what the rules are with that.”
Fans can expect some action-packed sequences in the live-action series in the first season, which is expected to be an 8-episode journey.
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Eiichiro Oda is highly involved in the project
Eiichiro Oda has written and illustrated the entire manga series since 1997, and now he is closely overseeing the live-action project as he doesn’t want it to fail. This adaptation promises to be something truly special for the fans of the franchise.
Oda’s demands are completely valid as he has worked hard for so many years to deliver fans this exciting story, so obviously he doesn’t want Netflix to massacre his hard work. The manga series holds several world records, including the Guinness World Record for the most copies published for a single author’s comic book series, as it surpassed 500 million copies published globally.
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The show is all set to drop on Netflix on 31st August 2023
The live-action series, featuring Iñaki Godoy as Luffy, Mackenyu as Rorona Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp, Taz Skylar as Sanji, and Gadiot as Shanks, is all set to drop on 31st August 2023 on Netflix.
In the anime world, the show is highly praised for its gripping narrative, dynamic characters, and enduring themes but will the live-action adaptation live up to its expectations? Only time will tell.
Source: ComicBook