Steven Spielberg, an iconic filmmaker, is renowned for his legendary impact on cinema. With a prolific career spanning decades, he has directed and produced a multitude of critically acclaimed and commercially successful films. From Jaws and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial to Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List, Spielberg’s talent has undeniably shaped the film industry. However, he wanted to direct a James Bond film.
The James Bond universe is filled with intriguing ‘what-if’ scenarios. David Bowie was nearly cast as the villain Max Zorin, and Eric Clapton was considered for a theme tune. Additionally, Steven Spielberg had a pitch for directing a Bond film, but it was ultimately turned down. George Lucas reassured Spielberg, promising plans for another charming international adventurer. The rest, as they say, is ancient history.
Steven Spielberg Landed Indiana Jones Instead
Harrison Ford aptly described Indiana Jones as a figure wielding a bullwhip to ward off the world’s challenges. James Bond shares a similar adventurous spirit, armed not with a whip but with a deadly pistol, a pen that shoots poisoned darts, a fully-equipped DB9, and an array of impressive gadgets. Despite the differences, both characters epitomize international adventure and thrilling escapades, creating a palpable connection between them.
Spielberg’s affinity for thrilling adventures made him an ideal candidate for the project. Nevertheless, James Bond producers felt his style might be too polished and youthful for their envisioned direction. Disheartened, Spielberg decided to take a break and escape to Hawaii, where he coincidentally met with George Lucas, recently wrapping up Star Wars in 1977.
“Steven was telling me how he really wanted to do a James Bond film, and that he actually went to the people who owned James Bond and asked them if he could direct one … and they turned him down,” George Lucas recalled.
Thankfully, fate had other plans for Spielberg as his friend offered him an opportunity that was a perfect fit for the renowned filmmaker. Serendipitously, everything fell into place, leading Spielberg on a new and exciting path.
Steven Spielberg Tweaked The Name Of The Famous Character
During their conversation, Lucas shared with Spielberg the idea similar to a James Bond film, claiming it to be even better than the iconic spy series. With the massive success of Star Wars, Spielberg was intrigued. Lucas went on to describe the thrilling adventures of an archaeologist, comparing them to the excitement of Saturday-matinee serials, and Spielberg enthusiastically agreed, saying, “Fantastic, let’s do this!“
The only obstacle arose when Lucas proposed the name “Indiana Smith” for the character, which Spielberg found absurd. Lucas quickly resolved the issue, suggesting, “Name him Indiana Jones or whatever you want – it’s your movie now.” With that, any lingering concerns were swiftly put to rest.
Just six months after their significant conversation on the beach, Raiders of the Lost Ark was in development, and the rest is history. The film went on to become the highest-grossing movie of 1981 and received a Best Picture nomination, solidifying its place in cinematic greatness.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is available for streaming on Showtime.
Source: Far Out