Created by Jessica Gao, the series follows Jennifer Walters’s struggle as she becomes She-Hulk after being cross-contaminated with her cousin’s blood, Bruce Banner. The series was one of the most anticipated productions in MCU’s phase 4.
Despite not satisfying all the fans, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law still has some redeeming factors, such as the return of Tim Roth as Abomination/Emil Blonsky and the reintroduction of Charlie Cox as Daredevil.
Fans annoyed with She-Hulk’s humor
One of the major criticisms of the show has been the humor, with many feeling it ruins the tension and character development in the show. This criticism has existed for the MCU productions for quite a while but seems to have finally caught up with fans.
The show has also utilized a concept called breaking the 4th wall which allows the character to speak directly to the audience, this too has not worked out well according to many viewers. This concept was utilized well in Deadpool but seems to have failed here.
Fans were also disappointed by the changes to Abomination/Emil Blonsky, as the character had become funnier and less terrifying since The Incredible Hulk. Now with the inclusion of Daredevil from his gritty-violent show, fans believed he would be painted humorously too.
Here are some fan reactions that sum up all the concerns:
She-Hulk: Daredevil is back as the protector of the law
Shunning all the fans’ fear-mongering, Daredevil was shown as a serious person in the sneak peek for episode 5 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The character was seen talking to She-Hulk and explaining to her how she can help people as a superhero where the law cannot.
Certain sections of fans have come forward to defend the show’s iteration of Matt Murdock:
The seriousness of Daredevil can also help level the show and give the required balance. The Daredevil series on Netflix was praised by fans for its gritty take on the character and was the fan favorite in the Defenders Saga. Daredevil will return to screens in Daredevil: Born Again in 2024.
Source: Twitter