Released in 2021, The Last Duel garnered considerable anticipation thanks to its stellar cast, which featured renowned actors like Matt Damon, dueling against the Star Wars actor Adam Driver. The movie directed by Ridley Scott also featured Jodie Comer in a titular role. Set against a historical backdrop, the film’s storyline centered around a very serious medieval duel, adding to its overall allure.
The medieval drama, tackling a weighty subject matter and featuring intense fight sequences, demanded an equally intense commitment from its lead actors. Matt Damon and Adam Driver, therefore, had to delve deep into their performances, fully immersing themselves in the process to deliver sincere performances.
Matt Damon and Adam Driver Refused to Use Stunt Doubles for The Last Duel
Rob Inch, who had previously worked with Adam Driver on the Star Wars saga, served as the stunt coordinator for The Last Duel. Given the film’s emphasis on stunts within its period setting, director Ridley Scott heavily relied on Inch’s expertise for its success. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Inch disclosed that both Matt Damon and Driver adamantly refused to utilize stunt doubles, despite Scott strongly recommending it. In fact, Scott even made changes to the historically accurate costumes to aid the actors’. Inch said,
“Adam Driver never likes to have a stunt double,–Matt is driven by that, and he wants to do as much of the action as he can.”
The production of the movie also faced many challenges as it was temporarily halted due to the pandemic. Although Inch and Scott allocated two weeks to film the climactic duel, the remaining three battles in the movie had a tighter schedule, with minimal breaks in between because of the pandemic. The stunt coordinator, along with a team of 20 stuntmen, quarantined with Driver and Damon during the shoot, to help them execute the stunts flawlessly.
The Rigorous Routine Took a Toll on Adam Driver and Matt Damon
Both Driver and Damon had an unwavering commitment and dedication to the film, as they found themselves immersed in heavy training to perfect the choreography. Taking notes and working closely with the stunt team and their personal trainers, they left no stone unturned in their pursuit of precision and excellence. Inch continued saying,
“Ninety-five percent of the work on the floor is them,–It’s actually what would have happened when they are fighting in plate armor,–Most of the stuff would become bludgeoning blows because everybody was tiring so much.”
In addition to that, wearing the armor took a significant toll on the actors, leaving them thoroughly exhausted once the filming of the epic battle sequences concluded. The weight and physical strain of the armor added an extra layer of challenge to their performances, pushing them to their limits.
The Last Duel is available on Apple TV for rent.
Source: Hollywood Reporter