Over her 4-decade-long illustrious career, Diane Keaton has worked alongside several industry greats, including the likes of Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Woody Allen, etc. But it seems that it was Keanu Reeves, who left the veteran star in complete fascination, as the actress didn’t back away from commending Reeves for his looks and professionalism.
However, despite The Matrix star’s extreme professionalism, working on the romantic sequences in Something’s Gotta Give wasn’t too pleasant for the actress, as she later opened up about the embarrassing situation.
Filming romantic sequences with Keanu Reeves was slightly embarrassing for Diane Keaton
It’s safe to say that Keanu Reeves is one of the best guys to work in the industry, following his sheer dedication to the craft and his selfless demeanor toward helping his crewmates. And unsurprisingly, this was the case for Something’s Gotta Give. Reflecting on the crafting of this movie, Diane Keaton showcased her admiration for Reeves’ work ethic, but not every sequence of the film was pleasant for the actors, especially the romantic scenes.
Even though the chemistry between the actors onscreen is convincing enough for the audience, according to Keaton, working on the romantic sequences and kissing Reeves was embarrassing for the actors. Keaton said,
“Jack and I were humiliated most of the time. There was so much kissing and all this time in bed. We felt so much terror about being so exposed, and we got to be so close because of that… Kissing Keanu in the movie was really fun but horribly embarrassing. As soon as they said ‘cut,’ we’d both run to opposite sides of the room,”
But despite the embarrassing circumstances for the actors, Keaton expressed that she didn’t mind kissing the John Wick star, as she found him pretty attractive.
Kissing Keanu Reeves wasn’t all bad for Diane Keaton
Although filming the kissing sequence might be a bit uncomfortable for both actors, it wasn’t all bad for the actress, considering how polite and shy Keanu Reeves generally is. While recalling the moment, Diane Keaton revealed that she found Reeves extremely beautiful, and even though the kissing scene was an embarrassing situation, she enjoyed it to some extent. She said,
“It has to do with time of life. It’s instinctive – [while kissing him] you go, ‘Uh, probably not!’ And Keanu was going, ‘Definitely not!’ He was trying to be polite. But he’s so beautiful, it’s stupefying. It was a guilty pleasure. A very guilty pleasure.”
But despite a few hurdles, the production of the movie went pretty smoothly, and even though Keaton doubted if the movie would do well at the box office, upon its release, it was an instant success.
Something’s Gotta Give is available to stream on Apple TV
Source: LA Times