Christian Bale, the iconic actor known for portraying Batman during the earlier days of the DCU (formerly DCEU) had a tough decision to think about. With the gruff voice that the role of Batman has been associated with for years, Bale talked about the reaction of his wife when she thought that he had “f**ked up” the auditions.
Well, it clearly wasn’t the case so since the American Psycho actor nailed the role down to perfection. It wasn’t exactly what his wife Sibi Blažić would have imagined since according to her, the gruff voice was very well over the top.
Christian Bale’s Gruff Voice Could Have Been A Bad Decision
Well, with such an intensely emotional character to portray, Christian Bale took the wise decision of giving a gruff and dark voice to the character of Bruce Wayne. The deep-dark voice had become an iconic characteristic for Batman but not everyone was able to pull it off.
That is exactly what his wife thought after the Ford v Ferrari actor returned home and told her about the auditions for the character of Bruce Wayne. According to his wife, Bale had “f**cked up” the auditions and was lucky that the studio even considered his audition tapes!
“I went home that evening, and my wife said, ‘How’d it go?’ I went, ‘I kind of did this.’ And I showed her, and she went, ‘Oh, you f—ed that one up, didn’t you?’ Thank God they went for it.”
The actor also had several words of wisdom for his dear friend Ben Affleck who at that time was just taking on the mantle of becoming the new Batman and that the character was more than what the actor thought of him.
“I wish [Affleck] the best. You look at this kid, Batkid…. That gives the whole point. It doesn’t matter which actor is playing him. He’s a symbol. He’s so much bigger than any actor. That’s all. This little kid, he doesn’t really care which actor’s playing him. It’s the symbol of the whole thing, and that’s what makes the character so fantastic. I look forward to seeing what Ben will do with it.”
With such high regard for the character, Christian Bale was the one to crack the code in understanding the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. According to The Machinist actor, Batman is just loopy enough to get things done but not too loopy.
Christian Bale Called Batman “Loopy beyond belief”
After having portrayed the character during a span of almost five years, Bale was one of the actors who truly got the essence of who Batman is. While explaining how he got into the role of Bruce Wayne, the actor described Batman as “loopy beyond belief”.
“He’s just loopy beyond belief. He’s loopy, but he’s loopy with a method to his madness. If you look at the history of the guy and the pain that he went through. I went ‘I can’t do this in a normal voice. I have to become a beast in order to sell this to myself.'”
In the end, Christian Bale indeed gave a wonderful performance as the caped crusader of Gotham City in three movies directed by Christopher Nolan. The Dark Knight trilogy (as many have called it) has been deemed one of the best iterations of Batman to exist ever. The Dark Knight Trilogy which includes Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and, The Dark Knight Rises is available to stream on HBO Max.
Source: MTV